Maximum period of eligibility for financial aid | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

Maximum period of eligibility for financial aid

The maximum period of eligibility for financial aid is different in higher education and upper secondary education. Also the number of months of aid you can get in a single school year varies depending on your school.

Months of financial aid available during the school year: Higher education

In higher education, you can get 9 months of financial aid per academic year. The months of aid are September to May. You can apply for financial aid for a shorter period of time or for longer if you also study in the summer.

You can receive student financial aid for the starting month of your first year of studies and the ending month of your last year of studies if the month includes at least 18 days of active study.

The 18-day rule also applies to other than degree-oriented studies with fixed start and end dates. They include, for example, preparatory studies and continuing vocational training.

The National Defence University and the Police University College apply different rules to determine the months for financial aid is available during a specific academic year.

Months of financial aid available during the school year: General upper secondary school

Student financial aid for studies in upper secondary school can be granted for 10 months per school year. The months of financial aid are August–May. However, you can apply for financial aid for a shorter period or a longer period if you also study during the summer.

You can receive student financial aid for the starting month of your first year of studies and the ending month of your last year of studies if the month includes at least 18 days of active study. If you take the matriculation exam in the spring, the right to financial aid usually ends in May. If you take the matriculation exam in the autumn, the right to financial aid usually ends in November.

Months of financial aid available during the school year: Basic vocational education

If you are completing a basic vocational qualification, you can get financial aid for 10 months per study year. The months of aid are August to May. You can apply for financial aid for a shorter period of time or for longer if you also study in the summer.

You can receive student financial aid for the starting month of your first year of studies and the ending month of your last year of studies if the month includes at least 18 days of active study.

Months of financial aid available during the school year: Preparatory education for an upper secondary qualification (TUVA)

If you attend preparatory education for an upper secondary qualification, you can get financial aid for 10 months per academic year. The months of financial aid are August–May. However, you can apply for financial aid for a shorter period or a longer period if you also study during the summer.

You can get financial aid for the starting month of the first year of study and for the end month of the last year, if there are at least 18 days of active study in that month.

Months of financial aid available during the school year: Other education

In other vocational education, liberal adult education programmes for instance in a folk high school and in adult basic education, the number of months of financial aid available during the academic year depends on the period of study. You can get financial aid for calendar months in which there are at least 18 days of active study.

  • Financial aid is available for the first month of study in the school year if the first day of study is in the first half of the month with the result that there are at least 18 days of active study in that month.
  • Financial aid is available for the last month of study in the school year if the last day of study is the 18th day of the month or later.


The period of study in folk high schools is 20 August to 24 May. There are only 12 active days of study in August (20 August - 31 August), which means that financial aid is not available for that month. There are 24 active days of study in May (1 May - 24 May), which means that financial aid is available for that month. Financial aid can be paid from the beginning of September until the end of May.

Study during the summer months

You can get financial aid for summer study. You can get financial aid for attending lectures, tests, job training or working on a thesis, among other things.

If you study in upper secondary school, you can get financial aid for the summer months if you pursue studies towards completion of the upper secondary school curriculum. The period of studies arranged by the educational institution must last at least 18 calendar days in each month for which you apply for financial aid. Enclose a certificate on the duration and contents of the summer studies with your application. The certificate can be issued by the educational institution where you study during the summer months. Financial aid for the summer months cannot be granted if you study independently for instance by preparing for the matriculation examination tests.

If you are in secondary education but not in general upper secondary school, you can get financial aid in the summer if the period of study is at least 18 calendar days for each month for which you apply for financial aid. Inform Kela of the start and end dates of the summer studies. You do not have to provide information about the contents and the extent of the studies.

To students in higher education financial aid for the summer months is granted in accordance with application. Financial aid is granted for the period you indicate in your application.

Remember that your annual income is checked and your academic progress in higher education is monitored

Higher education students must remember that taking out financial aid for summer study counts against their total eligibility for financial aid, which is calculated in months. Any summer months for which a student receives financial aid are also taken into account when checking the student’s annual income and monitoring their academic progress.

Kela checks study progress every year in October. The check focuses on the entire preceding academic year (1 August – 31 July). Credits earned in August count towards the next academic year's study progress.

How to apply for financial aid for the summer months

  1. Apply for financial aid for the summer months in the OmaKela e-service. Please note that our e-service is only available in Finnish and Swedish.
    • Select Etuudet (Benefits) – Opintotuki (Student financial aid) – Ilmoita muutoksista (Notify changes) – Opintotuen muutosilmoitus (Notification of changes relevant to student financial aid) – Ilmoitan muusta muutoksesta tai haen lisätukea (I’m reporting some other kind of change or applying for additional financial aid) – Jatko- tai lisätukihakemus (Application for extended or additional financial aid)
  2. If you are in secondary education, state the duration of your studies during the summer months in your application.
  3. If you study in upper secondary school, enclose with the application a certificate on the summer studies from your school. Scan the certificate or take a picture and send it in OmaKela.
  4. Visit the OmaKela e-service to see if your application has been decided, how much you will get and when your benefit will be paid. You can also see possible reminders concerning, for instance, any documents missing from your application.

Alternatively you can complete and print out the form Notification of changes - Financial aid for students OT 15e, (pdf). Send the application and any supporting documents by mail. The address is Kela, PL 10, 00056 KELA.

Remember to apply for financial aid for the summer in good time. The earliest you can get financial aid is the beginning of the month in which your application arrives.

If you cannot study in the summer and you do not have a summer job, you can apply to Kela for basic social assistance.

Last modified 3/3/2025