The form could not be downloaded to your device
The download or upload of a file may sometimes fail because of connection problems, in which case you will see an error message. The next time, the web browser may retrieve the same error message from your computer’s cache. Clear the cache to see if the problem goes away.
The form could not be completed or printed
If you are unable to fill in or print a form, make sure that you are using Adobe Reader. You can also change device for instance from a mobile device to a computer. If you use the operating system’s or web browser’s own program for reading and viewing PDF files, all the features of the form will not necessarily function. Some problems may be caused by using an old or defective version of Adobe Reader, in which case you will have to reinstall the program. The new version is available as a free download on the Adobe website (
Sometimes there may be problems with completing forms especially on iPhones and iPads. In such cases, it may help if you can use a computer instead of a mobile device.
Error message about password protection
In some situations, you can get an error message about the password protection of the form. This may happen if you for instance start filling in the form with the web browser’s PDF Reader and you later continue with another program.
The form functions correctly, if you first save the empty form on your device. Then open the form with Adobe Reader and fill it in. If you do not fill in the whole form at once, remember to save the form and open it again in Adobe Reader.
The form could not be added in OmaKela
Sometimes it is not possible to add a PDF form in OmaKela and you get the error message “Liitteen lähettäminen ei onnistunut. Liitteen lähettämisessä tapahtui virhe. Yritä uudelleen hetken kuluttua. Jos ongelma ei poistu, ota yhteys Kelan tekniseen asiakastukeen.” (Attachment could not be sent. Transmission of the attachment failed. Please try again after a short while. If the problem is not resolved, please contact Kela’s Technical Support.).
Try to print the completed form in PDF format with the computer’s ‘print to pdf’ function. Please note that after that it is no longer possible to edit the form, so do not do this until the final stage. Save the file with another name than the editable version. You can also send the file as a picture in OmaKela using one of the following formats: PNG picture files (.png), JPG picture files (.jpg, .jpeg), TIFF picture files (.tiff).