Unemployment | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

Possible maintenance breaks on 28/3/2025 at 20:30–03:00 affecting the ability to download PDF documents in the OmaKela e-service Read more

Lost your job?

  1. Register as a jobseeker with the employment services of your municipality of residence
    If you become unemployed or you are temporarily laid off, register immediately as an unemployed jobseeker with the employment services of your municipality of residence at Työmarkkinatori (tyomarkkinatori.fi).
    What to do if you become unemployed.
  2. Unemployment benefit from an unemployment fund or Kela?
    If you are a member of an unemployment fund (either through your trade union or directly), apply for earnings-related unemployment allowance from the fund. If you are not a member of an unemployment fund, you should apply for an unemployment benefit from Kela.
    Read more about the unemployment benefits available from Kela.
  3. What unemployment benefits are available from Kela?
    The unemployment benefits paid by Kela are the basic unemployment allowance and the labour market subsidy. You can apply for basic unemployment allowance if you meet the work requirement. If you do not meet the work requirement, you may be eligible for labour market subsidy.
    What is the work requirement?
  4. Renew your status as an unemployed jobseeker
    Complete an unemployment status report in the OmaKela e-service every 4 weeks. The unemployment benefit is paid on the basis of the report.
    Read the instructions and report your days of unemployment

What else is going on in your life?

  • Do you need help with housing costs?

    Housing allowance can compensate for reduced incomes and help with the housing costs. Read more about the types of costs for which you can get housing allowance.

  • Are you short of money?

    If you are unemployed, you may be really short of money. In that case, social assistance can help you get through the worst.

  • Did you fall ill?

    If you are ill, you should apply for sick leave and sickness allowance instead of unemployment benefit. That way, you do not use up the maximum of 400 days of basic unemployment allowance while on sick leave.

Current topics 

Transfer of TE Services to municipalities – what it means for customers

The job search services available to unemployed persons will change on 1 January 2025. TE Services in their current form will end, with the municipal employment services taking over their responsibilities. This will not affect the unemployment benefits you may get from Kela.

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