Government proposes changes to reimbursements from Kela in 2025 | KelaSkip to content

Government proposes changes to reimbursements from Kela in 2025

Published 18/10/2024

The Finnish Government is proposing changes to reimbursements from Kela for private medical expenses. The Government is also proposing to reintroduce Kela reimbursements for fertility treatments. In addition, there are plans to increase Kela reimbursements for appointments with certain medical specialists and to reintroduce Kela reimbursements for physiotherapy. Plans further include freedom of choice in healthcare on a trial basis for people aged 65 or over, and a separate trial run with designated personal doctors. The plan is for the changes to enter into force in stages during 2025.

Fertility treatments

The Government is proposing to reintroduce Kela reimbursements for fertility treatments, and also that the reimbursement should be increased. If these changes are implemented, reimbursements for fertility treatments will cover approximately 40 per cent of the reimbursable costs. Reimbursements will be granted for fertility treatments given on medical grounds. Fertility treatments other than those given on the basis of a medical condition or some other health-related reason will not be reimbursed. The plan is that the changes will take effect on 1 January 2025.

Certain services and medical specialists

There are plans for expanding the right to reimbursement and to increase the reimbursement rates for certain services and for appointments with certain medical specialists as of spring 2025. These changes focus particularly on preventive healthcare and on appointments with certain medical specialists whose services are difficult to access in public healthcare. The Government is planning the following changes to reimbursements from Kela:

  • Increased reimbursement for appointments with ophthalmologists and gynecologists.
  • Reintroduced Kela reimbursements for physiotherapy. Reimbursement from Kela will be available for appointments with a physiotherapist without a referral from a doctor, for up to 4 appointments per calendar year.
  • Kela reimbursement will be available for appointments with an oral hygienist without a referral from a dentist, for up to 2 appointments per calendar year.
  • Increased Kela reimbursement for fees for dental care and mental health services.

If Parliament approves these changes, they will take effect on 1 April 2025.

Trial run with freedom of choice in healthcare

The Government’s plans include introducing freedom of choice in healthcare on a trial basis for people aged 65 or over. In practice, this will mean that people over the age of 65 would be able to book appointments with a private general practitioner and pay only an amount corresponding to the client fee in public healthcare. The client fee in public healthcare will be approximately 28 euros in 2025. Auxiliary charges, such as service fees or administrative fees, would not be charged at all for appointments included in this trial run. Under the current plans, the trial run is scheduled to begin on 1 September 2025.

Trial run with designated personal doctors

Plans further include introducing designated personal doctors on a trial basis. The trial run would be carried out jointly with the wellbeing services counties. Kela reimbursements could be used in the development of a model with designated personal doctors. The plan is for this trial run to begin in autumn 2025 at the earliest.

If the legislative amendments are approved by Parliament, the changes will enter into force in stages.

The change concerning reimbursement for fertility treatments will enter into force on 1 January 2025.

The changes concerning Kela reimbursements for appointments with medical specialists, physiotherapy, mental health services and dental care will enter into force on 1 April 2025.

The trial run with freedom of choice for people over the age of 65 will begin on 1 September 2025.

The trial run with designated personal doctors will begin in autumn 2025 at the earliest.

We will provide more information on any changes and their timing once Parliament has reviewed the government proposals.

The proposed legislative amendments have not yet been approved by Parliament. Until further notice, Kela provides reimbursement for private medical care as before.

We will provide more information on any changes and their timing once Parliament has reviewed the government proposals.

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Government planning changes to reimbursements from Kela (Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (, in Finnish or Swedish)

Government proposes to reintroduce Kela reimbursement for fertility treatments (Ministry of Social Affairs and Health (, in Finnish or Swedish)

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Last modified 18/10/2024