Signing documents in Kela’s e-signature service
Kela’s partner organisations can use our e-signature service to electronically sign Kela’s administrative documents, such as contracts. The advanced electronic signature authenticates the data content of an electronic document and the identity of a signer.
You can sign documents in the e-signature service if you have received a signing request from Kela in your e-mail.
You can identify yourself using the identification service or a personal certificate, which means that in order to sign documents you will need online banking codes, a mobile certificate, or an electronic ID card.
- You will receive a message about the signing request via e-mail. The sender of the e-mail is Kelan allekirjoituspalvelu (, The e-mail contains information related to the signing request, such as the name of the sender and their e-mail address. Note: If you need to contact the sender of the request, please do not reply to the e-mail. Send a separate message to the sender's e-mail address.
- To log in to the service, click the Open signing request button or follow the instructions under ‘How do I sign the documents?’ in the e-mail message.
- The system will automatically fill in the invitation code to the login field if you arrive on the page through the Open signing request button. If this is not the case, copy and paste the code provided in the e-mail into the login field (step 2 of the ‘How do I sign the documents?’ instructions provided in the e-mail).
- Click the Next button.
- Click the SMS button. You will be sent a one-time PIN code by SMS that you can use to confirm the login.
- Enter the PIN code in the field. If you do not receive a PIN code, contact the sender of the signing request.
- Check that your information is correct in the ‘Check your information and fill in the missing details’ form and fill in any missing information. Please note that you may not be able to edit your name information. You cannot edit your e-mail address or phone number yourself. If these are incorrect, contact the sender of the signing request. After you have checked the information, click the Next button and you will be automatically directed to the service and signing request.
After logging in to the service, you can view the documents that have to be signed, as well as other information about the signing request. You can also leave comments on the signing request. Note: If your session in Kela’s e-signature service is inactive for more than 30 minutes, the system will automatically log you out.
- The document that requires signing is displayed in the preview window by default. You can download the document by clicking the downward arrow found in the upper right corner of the preview window.
- In addition to the document that requires signing, the signing request may contain attachments. You can view all the documents attached to the request by clicking the Review documents text. You can also view them by clicking the small downward arrow to the right of the Documents section header.
- You can view individual documents by clicking a document’s icon in the Documents section, or download all documents attached to the signing request by clicking the Download all text. You can download a single document by clicking the downward arrow found at the top of the preview window.
- The panel on the right shows the request sender's message to the recipients of the signing request, the name of the sender, other participants such as signers and copy recipients that have been added to the request, and comments. You can open and close the different sections from the small arrows on the right side of each section.
- You can leave a comment on the signing request in the Comments section. Open the comments section from the small arrow on its right, write your comment in the field, and click Send.
- Click the Sign button at the top of the signing request.
- Choose for personal identification. Identify yourself in the service using your online banking codes, a mobile ID or an electronic ID card. Note: If the mPollux DigiSign Client card reader software opens up at this point, the signing method has been defined as signing with an electronic ID card. In this case, insert your electronic ID card into your card reader and click OK. Enter the signature number you entered in the activation phase of your card (PIN2) in the window that opens and click OK.
- After returning to the e-signature service, click the Sign button to sign the documents. Alternatively, you can cancel the signing by clicking the Cancel button.
- After signing the document you will receive a notification of a successful signing. The fact that you have signed the document will be indicated next to your name in the Participants section of the signing request,
If you wish, you can reject the signing request sent to you.
- Click the Reject button at the top of the signing request.
- Write the reason for the rejection in the Reject request view that opens next.
- Confirm the rejection by clicking the Reject button. The signing process will come to an end after the rejection, and the rejection cannot be undone. Rejecting a signing request causes an automatic message to be sent to the sender of the signing request. The rejection will also show on the signing request.
- If you want to cancel the rejection, click the Cancel button.
If you are not the right person in your organisation for signing the document, you can delegate the signing request forward to another person.
Here is how you can delegate a signing request:
- Click the Delegate button at the top of the signing request.
- Activate the Choose delegates field and add the e-mail address of the person who should sign the document. Click the Invite new people button.
- Fill in at least the e-mail address and phone number of the recipient of the signing request in the Invite new people form. These are mandatory information. They are required for logging in to the service, and therefore it is important that the e-mail address and phone number are input correctly.
- Add also the recipient’s first name, last name, title and organisation. These will show up as part of their signature. Alternatively, the recipient can fill in this information themselves when they log in to the service.
- You can also choose the default language of the signing request (Finnish, Swedish, or English). The recipient will receive the e-mail about the signing request in the chosen language.
- Once you have filled in the information, click Save. Alternatively, you can cancel the action by clicking Cancel.
- If you want to transfer the request to more than one person, add all of them as invited people in the manner described above.
- You can remove a recipient you have added by clicking the ‘x’ after their name. Note: If you do so, the system will delete the recipient immediately without requesting confirmation.
- If you wish, you can write an accompanying message to the recipient in the Message to the delegate field.
- Click Next.
- When you delegate a signing request, you will lose access to the signing request if you do not stay in the request. Staying in the request is selected by default in the Stay in the request and receive notifications about your delegate’s actions box. If the box is ticked, you will continue to receive e-mails related to the request and you can still view the signing request in the service even after delegating.
- If you want to stay in the request, confirm the delegation by clicking the Confirm button.
- If you do not want to stay in the request, untick the Stay in the request and receive notifications about your delegate’s actions box and then click Confirm. The system will log you out, and you can no longer return to the signing request. You will also no longer receive any e-mail notifications related to the signing request.
- If you wish to cancel the delegation, click Cancel.
- You will receive an e-mail from Kelan allekirjoituspalvelu ( once all signers have successfully signed the document.
- If you wish to download the documents, log in to the service by clicking the Open signing request button or follow the instructions under ‘How do I sign the documents?’ in the e-mail message. Note: After the signing request has been completed, you have 3 months to download the documents from the service.
- The system will automatically fill in the invitation code to the login field if you arrive on the page through the Open signing request button. If this is not the case, copy and paste the code provided in the e-mail into the login field (step 2 of the ‘How do I sign the documents?’ instructions provided in the e-mail).
- Select Next and log in to the service with a one-time PIN code. You can follow the instructions provided in the ‘How to log in to the e-signature service’ section.
- After logging in, you will be directed to the signing request. Click on the Review documents text or open the Documents section by clicking the small downward arrow to the right of the Documents section header.
- Click the Download all button in the Documents section. This will compress all the documents included in the signing request into a ZIP file. You can also download a single document as a PDF file: Select the correct document. Once the document is open in the preview window, click the downward arrow icon at the top of the preview.
You can log out of the service by clicking on the Log out button at the top right.
You can access the review service of Kela’s e-signature service in the address The review service checks how many signatures there are in the document, whether they are acceptable, and whether their certificate provider is trustworthy.
- You can choose the language (Finnish, Swedish, or English) the page is displayed in from the upper right corner. The default language is Finnish (FI).
- In order to review the document’s signatures, drag and drop the signed document to the space inside the dotted line. Alternatively, you can click on the Select a document text in the field, find the signed document on your computer and click Open. Then click the Send for review button.
- The service will provide results on, for example, the integrity of the signed document, the e-signature service used, and the date of signing.