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Voluntary repayment of student financial aid to increase the annual income limit

Recipients of student financial aid must themselves make sure that they do not exceed the set limit for annual income. Do as follows if you suspect that your incomes in 2023 exceed your annual income limit.

  1. Check your incomes and annual income limit for the calendar year 2023. You can do it online via Kela's e-service OmaKela. Select Omat etuudet - Opintotuki - Tukikuukaudet - Tulovalvonta - Vuositulot. Please read the instructions.
  2. If your annual income exceeds your annual income limit and you have been a student for the whole year 2023, it is worthwhile to repay student financial aid. When you know the amount of your annual income, you can check the number of months for which you are entitled to financial aid with the help of the calculator for months of financial aid (in Finnish).
  3. If your annual income exceeds your annual income limit and you have started your studies, graduated or used up the maximum number of months of financial aid in 2023, you can check whether you have received too much in financial aid with the help of the calculator for the income check (in Finnish). For the calculator you need information on how much income you have had during the months that are not included in the study period. You can check your earnings in the national incomes register.
  4. When you know for how many months you should repay financial aid, you can make a voluntary repayment of financial aid via Kela’s e-service at OmaKela. Please note that our e-service is only available in Finnish and Swedish.  Select Ilmoita muutoksista - Opiskelu - Opintotuki - Opintotuen muutosilmoitus: Palautan ja perun opintotukea - Opintotuen vapaaehtoinen palauttaminen.
  5. Make the voluntary repayment by 30 April 2024 at the latest.

Further information is available at Student’s own income and Cancelling or paying back financial aid.

Last modified 27/9/2024