The effect of other benefits and compensations on the general housing allowance
The amount of the housing allowance can be affected by several other social security benefits, such as unemployment benefits and study grants. However, there are also benefits, such as social assistance and child benefits, which do not affect it. Student loans do not affect the housing allowance.
The other benefits are taken into account on a gross-income basis, i.e., before the deduction of taxes.
Benefits and compensations that affect the housing allowance
The housing allowance is affected by the benefits received by any household member. The below are some of the benefits that affect the housing allowance.
- unemployment benefits: basic unemployment allowance, labour market subsidy and earnings-related unemployment allowance
- benefits paid in respect of illness or rehabilitation: sickness allowance, rehabilitation allowance and rehabilitation subsidy
- benefits for students: study grant and adult education allowance
- family benefits: pregnancy and parental allowance, child home care allowance, partial care allowance and municipal supplement, private day care allowance (counts as income for the child care provider) and compensations for family caregivers
- pensions: national pension, earnings-related pension, surviving spouse’s pension, pension received from abroad, and disability pension
Benefits and compensations that do not affect the housing allowance
The below are some of the benefits and compensations that do not affect the housing allowance:
- disability allowance for children under 16 years of age
- disability allowance for persons aged 16 years or over
- grants and subsidies unless paid towards securing a living
- care allowance for pensioners
- compensation for functional limitation
- child increase payable with a national pension
- school transport subsidy
- compensations for expenses and maintenance allowances
- child support and child maintenance allowance
- orphan’s pension
- child benefit
- compensations for the costs of family care
- student loan
- housing supplement for students
- supplementary allowance for the purchase of study materials
- provider supplement to study grant
- compensations for the costs of family day care
- front-veteran’s supplement and additional front-veteran’s supplement
- conscript’s allowance
- compensations paid under the Act on Injuries Sustained in Military Service
- social assistance
- re-employment bonus
- compensations paid on account of a disability or impairment
- maternity grant.