Higher education students can now pay the healthcare fee for 2022 to Kela | KelaSkip to content
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Higher education students can now pay the healthcare fee for 2022 to Kela

Published 1/12/2021

Students who attend a traditional university or a university of applied sciences and who are entitled to use the services of the Finnish Student Health Service (Finnish abbreviation YTHS) must pay a healthcare fee to Kela. In 2022, the fee is EUR 35.80 per term. You can pay the fee already now.

In 2022, the student healthcare fee in higher education is EUR 35.80 per term. The fee for the whole calendar year, i.e. the spring and autumn term 2022, can be paid at the same time. Students are not billed for the fee but are expected to pay it on their own initiative.

The due date of payment is determined based on the date on which the student has registered as attending. For the spring term, the healthcare fee must be paid by 31 January at the latest, provided the student have registered as attending by then.

You can pay the healthcare fee via the OmaKela e-service. If you cannot pay the fee via the e-service for instance because you do not have Finnish banking credentials, the fee can be paid as a bank transfer. Instructions for payment of the healthcare fee are available on Kela’s website.

The fee must be paid even though the student graduates during the term. Students are entitled to use the student healthcare services to the end of the term for which they have registered as attending even though they graduate during the term. For more information on the services available from YTHS, see its website.

The healthcare fee must be paid on time

If the student does not pay the healthcare fee by the due date, Kela will send the student a reminder. If the healthcare fee is paid after the due date, the student also has to pay a late-payment charge of EUR 5.

If the student does not pay the healthcare fee after having been reminded of it, Kela can withhold the healthcare fee and the late-payment charge from study grant payments without consulting the student. If the healthcare fee cannot be withheld from the study grant payments, it will be referred to the enforcement authority for collection.

Last modified 1/2/2023