A joint service point for the City of Pori, the Satakunta wellbeing services county and Kela will open in Pori on 16 September | KelaSkip to content
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A joint service point for the City of Pori, the Satakunta wellbeing services county and Kela will open in Pori on 16 September

Published 10/9/2024

A new joint service point for the City of Pori, the Satakunta wellbeing services county and Kela will open on 16 September in Palojoenkulma on Yrjönkatu in Pori. This means that customers will have access to adult social work services, integration services, employment services and social welfare services, all in one place.

The City of Pori, the Satakunta wellbeing services county and Kela will provide customer service and expertise in adult social work, integration, multisectoral employment services and social welfare at their new joint service point in Palojoenkulma in Pori. The address of the service point is Yrjönkatu 23, and it will open on 16 September.

Making the customer’s life easier through new forms of cooperation and new practices

At the joint service point in Palojoenkulma, the City of Pori offers multisectoral employment services and integration services for job seekers. The Satakunta wellbeing services county provides adult social work services, such as social services in support of employment. Kela provides guidance on benefits and social security. 

“The new service point is a significant improvement for our customers, as they will receive more comprehensive services from the participating organisations in one location. Cooperation runs more smoothly thanks to shared facilities and service methods, and that allows us to consider more aspects of the customer’s situation. The customer’s life can be made much easier if experts from different fields can assess the customer’s situation as a whole. Our first priority is the customer and ensuring their access to high-quality service,” says Krista Virtanen, head of social work at Satakunta wellbeing services county. 

Functional, safe and comfortable spaces for customers and staff

A joint service point for several organisations saves on costs for premises and helps ensure that the premises are efficiently and flexibly used. The organisations involved have been working together on multidisciplinary services and working methods for years by now.

The premises in Palojoenkulma, which have been renovated and modernised for their new purpose, consist of 2,000 square metres owned by Kela. Some 185 employees of the City of Pori, Satakunta wellbeing services county and Kela will move into the shared space. The back office has 82 workstations, meeting rooms and quiet rooms. The office layout complies with the Finnish government’s objectives for more efficient use of its premises.

“We have designed the joint service point and its work environment together with the organisations involved, including employees and customer representatives. I believe that the premises are well suited for our work together and that they will contribute to even better customer service, both face-to-face and digitally,” says Riitta Hanka from Kela, chair of the project’s steering group.

“Our goal was to create adaptable and flexible spaces that we can use in different ways to meet both present and future needs. For instance, we have already taken into account that responsibility for employment services will be transferred to the municipalities as of 1 January 2025. The new service point has space for multisectoral employment services. The local employment services have another office in Porin Leijona at Yrjönkatu 6, offering employment services and economic development services. If a customer is unsure which office they should visit, they can ask their contact person at the employment services or phone our customer service,” says Jenni Ketonen, head of employment services for the City of Pori. 

The Palojoenkulma service point is open on weekdays from 9.00 to 16.00

The joint service point will be open from 9.00 to 16.00 on weekdays. The information desk and the advisory offices serve customers who have booked an appointment in advance. Kela will provide service without a prior appointment on Mondays to Tuesdays and Thursdays to Fridays between 12.00 and15.30.

There are also several digital service points available for the customers to use. The staff at Palojoenkulma is on hand for customers who need help using e-services.

Last modified 10/9/2024