Competitive tendering for 2026 maternity package starts – toy ball included in products put out to tender | KelaSkip to content
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Competitive tendering for 2026 maternity package starts – toy ball included in products put out to tender

Published 15/8/2024

Kela has issued an invitation to tender for the products included in the 2026 maternity package. Sustainability, durability and quality are emphasised in the tender process. This year, for the first time, a ball is included in the products put out to tender.

The products included in the maternity package distributed by Kela are selected once a year through competitive tendering. An invitation to tender for the 2026 maternity package has now been published in Hilma, Finland’s official public procurement notification service. Tenders can be submitted until 18 November 2024, 16.00. Products are procured for approximately 30,000 maternity packages.

This year, Kela once again emphasises quality when procuring products for the maternity package. In the scoring of tenders, price is weighted at 20 per cent and quality is weighted at 80 per cent. The quality criteria are used to assess the functionality of the product, the quality of the material and implementation, innovation and adaptability, and the use of organic cotton.

This year, in accordance with the Government Programme, Kela is calling for tenders for a ball for the first time.

“Kela is hoping to include a ball in the package to support the interaction between the baby and the parent and inspire them to move,” says Coordinator Veera Petäjä.

Maternity package improved on basis of feedback

As in previous years, customer feedback is once again taken into account when procuring products for the 2026 maternity package.

“Sustainability is often mentioned in the feedback. To us, it means products that are durable. High-quality products last longer. You can pass on the products to other people when your own family no longer has a need for them. Improving the sustainability of the maternity package is part of Kela’s overall responsibility work,” says Petäjä.

In addition to collecting customer feedback, Kela has an active dialogue with tenderers. As a result of positive feedback from tenderers, this year’s invitation to tender includes an image board, just like last year. The image board serves as an inspiration for the colour scheme and illustrations of the products. The idea for an image board came from tenderers.

If there are any questions about the invitation to tender for the products included in the maternity package, the questions must be submitted via the procurement service as described in the invitation to tender. Unfortunately, Kela’s staff members are unable to answer any questions about the invitation to tender that are sent directly to them.


Last modified 15/8/2024