Kela will join this summer’s Pride events around Finland | KelaSkip to content
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Kela will join this summer’s Pride events around Finland

Published 24/6/2024

This summer, Kela will be making Pride visible in its operations in many different ways. Kela takes an active approach to promoting diversity and equity, which are part of its social responsibility agenda.

Kela will be attending Pride events around Finland this summer. By doing so, Kela’s hopes to further its goal of contributing to nationally impactful efforts at strengthening equity and diversity. Kela’s participation in the events is coordinated by its Rainbow Network.

“A long-term partner of Oulu Pride, Kela will this year also join forces with Turku Pride”, says Saara Salonen, who chairs the network. “Look for members of Kela’s Rainbow Network also at Kotka Pride and at Pori Pride. They will be wearing rainbow-themed lanyards.” 

The Pride movement works to promote the rights, inclusion and wellbeing of gender and sexual minorities. Participating in Pride events around Finland is part of Kela’s social responsibility work, one of the goals of which is to promote equity and non-discrimination.

Promoting diversity and inclusion benefits all

Kela’s Rainbow Network community was founded in 2019. It is open to all Kela employees who are interested in promoting diversity and rainbow rights at the workplace. The Network works to advance equity not only among Kela’s staff but in interactions with customers.

Alongside the Rainbow Network, there is a DEI Network that promotes diversity, equity and inclusion of minorities. It works to highlight the perspectives of sexual, gender and other minorities among staff members and in encounters with customers.

“A committed and systematic approach to promote diversity is important, because nearly everyone in Finland will at some point in their lives have dealings with Kela as a customer. We need to make sure that everyone can be themselves and feel safe and comfortable when interacting with Kela”, Salonen says.

Read more

Why does Kela have a Rainbow Network? (in Finnish) | Sosiaalivakuutus

Kela’s strategic responsibility policy (in Finnish)

Last modified 25/6/2024