Darya fled the war, arriving in Finland in March 2022. She is accompanied by Ivan, who is three, and Maria, who is eight. Darya is a single parent and not married.
This example describes the benefits that Darya and her children can get from Kela once they have lived in Finland for at least a year and have been assigned a home municipality. Please note that the sums shown here are examples and assume that the family has no other income or assets.
There are online calculators you can use to estimate whether you can get Kela benefits and how much they would be. The calculators can only provide an estimate based on the information you put in. The calculators are available in Finnish and Swedish.
Child benefit
The amount of child benefit is higher the more children there are in the family that are under age 17. For the first child, it is EUR 94.88 per month, and for the second, EUR 104.84 per month. The child benefit is tax-free income. Assets and income do not affect the amount of the child benefit.
If you are a single parent, you get a single-parent supplement of EUR 73.30 per month for each child. You qualify for the single-parent supplement if you are not married or cohabiting or legally separated from your spouse. This means that someone whose married spouse is alive and has stayed back to fight in the war cannot get the single-parent supplement.
The total child benefit that Darya can get is EUR 346.32 per month (94.88 + 104.84 + 73.30 + 73.30).
The child benefit is paid on the 26th day of each month. If the payment date falls on a weekend, a holiday or the first day following a weekend or holiday (for instance Monday), it is paid on the immediately preceding business day.
Child benefit can be claimed on form UA 1 (pdf).
General housing allowance
Darya and her children rent a flat in Vantaa for which they pay EUR 950 per month. Darya can get EUR 707.00 per month in general housing allowance. This calculation is based on the assumption that Darya has no other sources of income besides the child benefit and social assistance she gets from Kela.
The maximum housing costs used to calculate the allowance vary from one municipality to another. See this page for information about the maximum housing costs in Finnish municipalities. The maximum housing costs are specified by law. For example, if Darya and her children lived in Salo, they could get only EUR 513.20 per month in housing allowance.
Kela pays the housing allowance into your account on the first business day of the month. If it is too late to make the payment on the regular payment date, the allowance is paid when your application is decided, in which case the payment will be in your account in two working days. You can also ask Kela to pay the housing allowance into your landlord’s account.
Use the AT 1 e form (pdf, in English) to apply for general housing allowance.
Social assistance
Before applying for social assistance, Darya must find out whether she could secure other income or qualify for other social benefits. Basic social assistance is intended for persons who are unable to make a living from work or self-employment, by receiving social security benefits, or by relying on their other income or assets.
If Darya’s income and assets, including any other income or benefits she could get, are not enough to cover essential expenses such as food and housing, she can get basic social assistance. The calculation assumes that Darya’s family has no significant healthcare expenses or any other expenses relevant to the basic social assistance.
Darya can get EUR 1,360.08 per month in social assistance if her income and expenses do not change. The amount of basic social assistance is based on a monthly calculation. The child benefit of EUR 346.32 and the general housing allowance of EUR 707 count as income for purposes of the calculation. The following are recognised as expenses: the basic amount for single parents (EUR 669.99), the basic amounts determined on the basis of the children’s ages (EUR 411.40 and EUR 382.01) and also rent (EUR 950).
In addition, Kela can grant Darya basic social assistance to pay the security deposit for a reasonably priced rented flat if she does not have specific reasons for needing a more expensive one. Kela has set municipality-specific limits for reasonable housing costs. More information is available in the PDF table titled Recognised housing costs by municipality, 2024. The money towards the security deposit is usually provided in the form of a voucher. Also, you can get basic social assistance for moving costs.
Basic social assistance is paid regularly on the first business day of the month. If it is too late to make the payment on the regular payment date, the allowance is paid when your application is decided, in which case the payment will be in your account in two working days.
Use the TO 1 ukr (PDF) form to apply for social assistance, and the TO 2 ukr (PDF) form to apply for money towards a security deposit.
Total amount of benefits
The total amount of benefits that Darya can get is about EUR 2,413 per month. Child benefit, housing allowance and social assistance are not taxed.