How daily allowances are calculated
You can estimate the amount of a daily allowance using one of our handy online calculators. If you want to calculate the amount yourself, see the calculation formulas below.
Benefit calculators
Calculators are available in Finnish and Swedish
- Sickness allowance calculator
- The calculator for rehabilitation allowance
- The calculator for pregnancy allowance, special pregnancy allowance and parental allowance
- The calculator for special care allowance
Calculation formulas
The same calculation formulas apply to employees and self-employed persons. For self-employed persons insured under the Self-Employed Persons' (YEL) or Farmers' (MYEL) Pensions Acts, the annual income is defined as the annual earnings under the YEL or MYEL schemes.
An insurance contribution deduction is made from the wage or salary income and the salary for insurance purposes which are included in the annual income. There is no corresponding deduction from earnings under the YEL and MYEL schemes.
Annual income EUR / year | Daily allowance in EUR per working day (Mon–Sat) |
maximum 1 716 | no daily allowance based on annual earnings (minimum daily allowance 31,99) |
1 717 - 13 712 | minimum daily allowance 31,99 |
13 713 - 28 241 | 0.7 x (annual earnings : 300) |
more than 28 241 | 0.7 x (annual earnings / 300) - 0.55 x ((annual earnings - 28 241) / 300) |
Annual income EUR / year | Daily allowance in EUR per working day (Mon–Sat) |
maximum 13 712 | minimum daily allowance 31,99 |
13 713 - 44 702 | 0.7 x annual earnings : 300 |
44 703 - 68 776 | 104,30+ 0.40 x (annual earnings - 44 702) : 300 |
more than 68 777 | 136,40 + 0.25 x (annual earnings - 68 776) : 300 |
Annual income EUR / year | Daily allowance in EUR per working day (Mon–Sat) |
maximum 10 664 | minimum daily allowance 31,99 |
10 665 - 68 776 | 0.9 x annual earnings : 300 |
more than 68 777 | 206.33 + 0,325 x (annual earnings - 68 776) : 300 |
Annual income EUR / year | Daily allowance in EUR per working day (Mon–Sat) |
0 - 13 712 | minimum daily allowance 31,99 |
13 713 - 44 702 | 0.7 x (annual earnings / 300) |
44 703 - 68 776 | 104.30 + 0,4 x (annual earnings - 44 702) / 300 |
more than 68 777 | 136.40 + 0,25 x (annual earnings - 68 776) / 300) |