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EU Disability Card

The EU Disability Card is optional. Its purpose is to help persons with disabilities communicate and engage with others both in Finland and within the EU. A 10 euro fee is charged when the card is issued.

The card makes it easier for persons with disabilities to indicate their disabled status and their need for an assistant for example in public transport or at cultural and sports events.

Learn more about the EU Disability Card at The website includes a search function that allows you to find all locations and services where the card is recognised.

Who can apply for an EU Disability Card?

You are eligible to receive an EU Disability Card if you have received a notice of decision granting you one of the following benefits or services. This means that you do not have to obtain a new decision just to apply for an EU Disability Card.

Benefits and services provided by Kela:

  • Disability allowance for children under 16 years of age
    • if granted at the middle or highest rate (A)
  • Disability allowance for persons aged 16 years or over
    • if granted at the middle or highest rate (A)
  • Care allowance for pensioners
  • Interpreter assistance for persons with hearing impairment (A)
  • Interpreter assistance for persons with hearing and vision impairment (A)
  • Interpreter assistance for persons with a speech impairment (A)

Decisions on benefits and services granted under the Act on Services for Persons with Disabilities:

  • Decisions on benefits and services granted under the new Act on Services for Persons with Disabilities:

    • Coaching and training (A)
    • Personal assistance (A)
    • Special support to facilitate inclusion (A)
    • Supported decision-making (A)
    • Intensive multidisciplinary support (A)
    • Supported living services (A)
    • Supported living services for children (A)
    • Short-term care (A)
    • Daytime activities primarily outside the home (A)
    • Work activities for persons with intellectual disabilities (A)
    • Mobility support services (A)
    • Financial assistance for persons dependent on a ventilator (A)
    • Assistance to ensure accessibility in housing
  • Decisions on benefits and services granted under the previous Act on Services for Persons with Disabilities:

    • Decision on daytime activities outside the home
    • Decision on transport services (A)
    • Decision on assisted living (A)
    • Decision on personal assistance under the Act on Services for Persons with Disabilities (A)

Other decisions:

  • Vision Impairment Card (A)
  • Agreement on informal care (the Disability Card is issued to the person cared for by an informal caregiver) (A)
  • Decision and services based on a special care programme (A)
  • Decision on special support (A)
  • Decision on respiratory paralysis (A)
  • Decision on care allowance issued by an insurance company (based on statutory insurance policies) (A).

(A) = You are entitled to have the A symbol marked on your card. The symbol shows that you need a companion or support person who will accompany you.

Send your application to Kela

If you would like an EU Disability Card, you must first complete an application form and send it to Kela. Remember to enclose documentation on at least one benefit or service that you receive.

Kela checks that you are eligible to receive an EU Disability Card. After that, you can access the card distributor’s ordering system to place an order.

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Last modified 22/1/2025