How to appeal a payment outstanding notice regarding the student healthcare fee | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

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How to appeal a payment outstanding notice regarding the student healthcare fee

Through the payment outstanding notice Kela determines whether you are liable to pay the student healthcare fee for the term. Kela makes the decision on the basis of the degree you are completing and the data on your attendance during the term.

If you disagree about your liability to pay the fee, you can appeal against the payment outstanding notice. Before filing an appeal, you must request a payment outstanding notice from Kela. See instructions for how to request a payment outstanding notice.

Rectification request concerning a payment outstanding notice issued by Kela

You can appeal the payment outstanding notice by filing a rectification request with Kela. File the rectification request within 37 days of the date of mailing of the payment outstanding notice. The date the notice was sent is shown on the notice.

Do as follows

  1. Appeal online. Please note that our e-service is only available in Finnish and Swedish. Select Muutoksenhaku – Valita päätöksestä. Select the benefit that your appeal concerns: Muu etuus – Korkeakouluopiskelijan terveydenhoitomaksu. After that, fill in the other necessary information.

    If you do not file a rectification request online, please send the rectification request by mail to the address Kela, Perintäkeskus PL 31 00056 KELA or submit it to one of Kela’s customer service points.
  2. State the following in the rectification request:
    • your name, personal identity code, address and telephone number
    • the decision you are appealing
    • how you want the decision to be changed
    • why you want the decision to be changed

Someone else can file the rectification request on your behalf if you have issued a power of attorney concerning this. The power of attorney has to be enclosed with the rectification request.

You will receive a decision on the rectification request from Kela’s Overpayment Recovery Centre.

Appealing the decision on the rectification request

If you think the decision by Kela’s Overpayment Recovery Centre on your rectification request is wrong, you can appeal the decision to the Administrative Court in your region. There are six regional Administrative Courts in Finland. File the appeal in writing within 37 days of the date of mailing of the decision from the Overpayment Recovery Centre. The date the decision was sent is shown on the decision.

Do as follows

  1. Send the letter of appeal and the supporting documents to the Administrative Court for the region where your place of domicile is located. If you do not have a place of domicile in Finland, the documents should be sent to Helsinki Administrative Court.
  2. When the Administrative Court has decided the case, you will receive a decision. If you think the decision is wrong, you can request a leave to appeal to the Supreme Administrative Court.

Contact information to the Administrative Courts

Helsinki Administrative Court
Radanrakentajantie 5
00520 Helsinki
Tel. 029 56 42 069

Hämeenlinnan hallinto-oikeus
Raatihuoneenkatu 1
13100 Hämeenlinna
Tel. 029 56 42 210

Itä-Suomen hallinto-oikeus
PO Box 1744
70101 Kuopio
Tel. 029 56 42 502

Pohjois-Suomen hallinto-oikeus
PO Box 189
90101 Oulu
Tel. 029 56 42 800

Turun hallinto-oikeus
PO Box 32
20101 Turku
Tel. 029 56 42 410

Vaasan hallinto-oikeus
PO Box 204
65101 Vaasa
Tel. 029 56 42 780

You can also use the e-service of the Administrative Courts and the special courts. Go to the e-service (, in Finnish).

Appealing a decision by an Administrative Court

You may appeal decisions of the Administrative Court to the Supreme Administrative Court if it gives you leave to appeal. Instructions on how to request a leave to appeal are provided by the Administrative Court that made the decision and the Supreme Administrative Court.

Supreme Administrative Court

PO Box 180
00131 Helsinki
Tel. 029 56 40 200