Overpayment Recovery Centre | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

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Overpayment Recovery Centre

Kela's Overpayment Recovery Centre performs the following customer service functions:

  • recovery of benefits
  • collection of child support debt
  • collection of student loan debt repaid under the government loan guarantee
  • collection of healthcare fee for higher education students

The Overpayment Recovery Centre also handles applications for exemption from payment of child support debt and government-guaranteed student loan debt.

Contact the Overpayment Recovery Centre if you wish to discuss a payment plan or if you have questions about benefit recovery and debt collection. If you have questions about a decision on recovery, call the customer service number for the benefit that the recovery concerns.


You can use Kela’s e-service (available in Finnish and Swedish only) to check the amount that is being recovered, the due date and the payment details.

You can also use e-service if you wish to send a message concerning recovery or debt collection, a proposal for a repayment plan or other documents to the Overpayment Recovery Centre. Once your message has been processed, the Centre will reply to you through e-service.

Read more about how to handle recovery matters in Kela's e-service.

How to take care of your Kela-related matters online

Send a message in OmaKela. Please note that our e-service is only available in Finnish and Swedish.

  • Log in to the OmaKela e-service.
  • On the front page, go to Viestit (Messages).
  • Click Lähetä viesti tai liite (Send a message or attachment).
  • Under Aihe (Subject), select Liikamaksut ja perintäasiat (Overpayment and recovery issues) and under Valitse tarkenne (Specification), select Etuuden takaisinperinnän maksusuunnitelma (Recovery payment plan) or Opintolainan takaussaatavan perintä (Recovery of student loan).
  • If you have an attachment that you would like to add to the message, add it by clicking the button Selaa (Browse) under Liitteet (Attachments). When you have selected the file, click Lisää liite (Add attachment).
  • Write the message under Viesti (Message).
  • Choose whether you wish to give Kela permission to send messages to you. You can answer Kyllä (Yes) or Ei (No). If you choose Kyllä (Yes), you should also choose whether you wish to receive a notification by e-mail or text message about messages sent to you in OmaKela.
  • To finish and send your message, click the button Lähetä (Send).

Telephone assistance

Monday to Friday 10:00 to 15:00  020 634 4940 (individual customers)

Monday to Friday 10:00 to 15:00  020 634 4942 (partner organisations)

Mail and fax

Postal address: Kela, Perintäkeskus, PL 31, 00056 KELA.

Fax +358 (0)20 634 1599

For people living abroad

You can send a message, a payment plan proposal or other documents related to the recovery of payments via the OmaKela e-service. You can log in to OmaKela with your Finnish online banking ID or with Mobile certificate. The e-service is only available in Finnish and Swedish.

If you are a citizen of an EU country other than Finland and you do not have Finnish online banking credentials, you can contact Kela using the common European eIDAS identification. You can use your own country's authentication tools.

Read the instructions on how an EU citizen can identify and take care of the social security matters on our website.

If you live abroad and do not have a Finnish online banking ID or mobile authentication and cannot use eIDAS, you can contact Kela's payment recovery centre via secure email.


Only customers living outside Finland and partner organisations of the Overpayment Recovery Centre have the option of contacting the Centre via email.

Clients who live outside Finland can contact the Overpayment Recovery Centre via email if they do not have a Finnish online bank user ID or mobile certificate and are therefore unable to access Kela's e-service system.

If you have a question concerning

  • the recovery of benefits or the collection of government guaranteed student loan debt, please send email to: ulkomaanperinta@kela.fi
  • the collection of child support debt from abroad, please send email to: maintenance@kela.fi
  • the recovery of benefits under EU regulation no. 883/2004, please send email to: ulkomaanperinta@kela.fi
  • healthcare fee for students in higher education, please send email to: ulkomaanperinta@kela.fi

To send email to Kela over a secure connection, always use this link.

Enter your email address in the Sender (Lähettäjä) field. You will receive a message which contains a link you can use to send email to Kela over a secure connection. The link is active for 10 days. To send email over a secure connection, you will also need one of the email addresses on this page.

Instructions for sending email over a secure connection (PDF).​​​​

Partner organisations of the Overpayment Recovery Centre have the option of contacting the Centre via email if it is not feasible to use the other secure communication alternatives made available by Kela. Our email address is perintakeskus at kela.fi. In debt adjustment matters, please contact velkajarjestelyt at kela.fi

For security reasons, please send email over a secure connection only.

You can set up secure email communications with Kela by clicking here and entering your e-mail address in the Sender (Lähettäjä) field. You will receive an email message which contains a link you can use to send email to Kela over a secure connection. The link is active for 10 days. Instructions for sending email over a secure connection (PDF)

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Last modified 13/2/2025