How to apply for an EU Disability Card | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

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How to apply for an EU Disability Card

When you apply for an EU Disability Card, Kela will check that you are eligible to receive the card. You must have a valid decision that entitles you to the card for at least one benefit or service. You must fill in the order form and order the card yourself.

  1. Fill in the order form (VK 1e, PDF) and save it to your computer.
  2. Log in to Kela's e-service (in Finnish and Swedish only) using your online banking ID or a mobile ID.
  3. Send the form using the attachment function.
    • Select Lähetä liite - Kela-asiat - Vammaistuet and EU:n Vammaiskorttiin liittyvä liite (in Finnish) or Skicka bilagor - Övriga FPA-ärenden - Bilaga gällande EU:s funktionshinderkort (in Swedish). Attach the form and click Lähetä (in Finnish) or Sänd (in Swedish).
    • You can also scan or photograph the form and send it as an attachment through the attachment function.
  4. You can also mail the application with supporting documents to Kela, PL 10, 00056 KELA.
  5. Remember to enclose a decision on the benefit or service that entitles to an EU Disability Card.
    • If the decision you have was given by Kela you don't need to enclose a copy of it.
    • If the decision you have was not given by Kela, enclose a copy or a photo of the decision with your application.
    • If you are a holder of a Vision Impairment Card, enclose a photo or a copy of that card to your application.
  6. If you have a valid decision, you are entitled to order a card and a link will be sent to you via email. After this you must fill in the order form and order the card yourself.

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Last modified 20/12/2023