How to deal with recovery-related issues
You can handle almost all recovery-related issues in the OmaKela e-service. View instructions
- if you wish to suggest a payment plan
- if you wish to apply for an exemption from the payment of student loan debt repaid under the government loan guarantee
- if you wish to apply for exemption from the payment of child support arrears.
You can also call Kela’s Overpayment Recovery Centre or send a message in the OmaKela e-service.
You can check the amount of the outstanding debt and the payment details in the OmaKela e-service on the front page under Perinnät - Katso perinnän tiedot (Collections – View data on recovery).
If you wish to suggest a payment plan
How to suggest a payment plan to Kela:
- Log in to OmaKela. Please note that our e-service is only available in Finnish and Swedish.
- On the front page, select Perinnät (Collections) and then Katso perinnän tiedot (View data on recovery). You can view the amount that is being recovered, the due date and the payment details. You can also view information on what has been agreed about the payment of the debt and the status of the recovery.
- If a benefit is recovered, you can suggest that you pay your debt in instalments or that your debt is deducted from other benefits paid to you from Kela.
Select Perinnät and then Ehdota maksusuunnitelmaa. You can also then view the amounts of the instalments that you can suggest. - For recovery of student loan debt repaid under the government loan guarantee, you can suggest payment in instalments. Select Perinnät (Collections) and then Ehdota maksusuunnitelmaa (Suggest a payment plan). You can also then view the amounts of the instalments that you can suggest.
- For child support arrears, you can suggest a payment plan by sending a message in the OmaKela e-service. Select Liikamaksut ja perintäasiat (Overpayment and recovery) for this.
If you cannot use OmaKela to propose a payment plan, you can mail your proposal to Kela. Send the proposal to Kela’s Overpayment Recovery Centre, PL 31, 00056 KELA.
Kela decides whether your suggestion for a payment plan can be accepted.
Frequently asked questions about recovery-related issues
You can repay the debt at a faster rate than agreed in the payment plan. You need not separately report this to Kela. When you make extra payments, you should use the same payment details as when making the agreed instalment payments. You can look up the payment details in the OmaKela e-service.
If you have not yet agreed on a payment plan, you can agree on payment arrangements with us also after you have received the payment reminder.
If you have already agreed on a payment plan with us and you receive a payment reminder, you must first pay the amounts that have fallen due. After that, you can continue to pay the debt according to the previously agreed payment plan.
If you cannot pay the amounts that have fallen due, you can suggest a new payment plan. Kela will decide whether your suggestion can be accepted.
If we have already referred the debt to collection through an enforcement order, we can no longer agree with you on a payment plan.
Recovery can be postponed only for the time of compulsory military service. Contact Kela’s Overpayment Recovery Centre by phone or by sending a message in the OmaKela e-service. Select Liikamaksut ja perintäasiat (Overpayment and recovery) for this. Recovery of child support arrears cannot be postponed even for the time of compulsory military service.
If you cannot pay the whole amount by the due date, you can suggest a payment plan to Kela.
When you have paid the debt, you can, when needed, request a certificate on the payment of the debt from Kela’s Overpayment Recovery Centre by sending a message in the OmaKela e-service. Select Liikamaksut ja perintäasiat (Overpayment and recovery) for this. On your request, we can also send the certificate directly to the credit information companies.
If you wish to apply for exemption from payment of student loan debt repaid under the government loan guarantee
How to apply for an exemption from the payment of student loan debt repaid under the government loan guarantee:
- Enclose additional documents in support of the application as necessary. The application form includes information on the documents that Kela needs. If the document you are sending is not in a digital format, you can either scan it or take a photograph of it.
- Send the application via the OmaKela e-service:
- Save the completed application form on your device. Note that the form must be in PDF format.
- Log in to OmaKela and select Tee hakemus (Submit an application).
- Select Perinnät (Collections) and then Opintolainan takaussaatava - Hae maksuvapautusta (Student loan debt - Apply for payment exemption).
- Select the application form on your device and press Lähetä (Send). When you send your application online you do not need to sign it.
- If you have supporting documents, send them via OmaKela after you have submitted your application.
Another option is to send the application by mail. Sign the application and send it along with the supporting documents to the address Kela, Perintäkeskus, PL 31, 00056 KELA.
- A written decision on your application will be sent to you by mail. You can also view the decision in the OmaKela e-service.
If you cannot apply for the exemption using the OmaKela e-service or a paper form, you can also apply for it by calling Kela’s Overpayment Recovery Centre.
Kela gets information from the national incomes register on you wage income and benefits paid out. This information is used when processing your application. Kela may ask you for further information.
If you wish to apply for exemption from the payment of child support arrears
How to apply for an exemption from the payment of child support arrears:
- Apply for an exemption from the payment of child support arrears in the OmaKela e-service. The e-service guides you to submit the necessary information.
- Scan or take a photo of any supporting documents and send them through OmaKela. From the application you can check which documents you should enclose with the application.
- When you want to see if your application has been decided, visit the OmaKela e-service. You can also see possible reminders concerning, for instance, any documents missing from your application. A written decision on your application will also be sent to you by mail.
Alternatively, you can complete and print out the application form for exemption from payment of child support debt LC 1e (PDF). Send the application and any supporting documents by mail. The address is Kela, Perintäkeskus, PL 31, 00056 KELA. You can also apply for an exemption from payment by calling the Overpayment Recovery Centre.
Kela gets information from the national incomes register on you wage income and benefits paid out. This information is used when processing your application. Kela may ask you for further information.
You cannot file the application in the OmaKela e-service if you are applying for exemption from payment retroactively for more than a year or if you are applying for exemption from payment for a time period for which Kela has previously processed your application for exemption from payment. In such cases, you can apply for exemption from payment on the form Exemption from payment of child support debt (LC 1e, PDF).