Opening hours and contact information for the interpreter service | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

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Contact information and opening hours

The Centre for Interpreting Services for the Disabled is part of the Kela organisation. It operates the interpreter service for persons with disabilities.

Contact the Centre when you want to

The remote service of the Centre for interpreting services door the Disabled allows you to handle your daily affairs remotely and without making an appointment. You can use either Finnish sign language, spoken Finnish, or spoken Swedish.

Opening hours

Centre for Interpreting Services for the Disabled

Monday to Friday 07:30–20:00
Saturday 08:00–15:00

Remote service 

Monday to Friday 08:00–16:00

Exceptional opening hours

Centre for Interpreting Services for the Disabled

Maundy Thursday 07:30–15:00
On Christmas Eve’s eve (December 23) 07:30–16:00
New Year’s Eve 07:30–15:00

Remote service 

Maundy Thursday 09:00–13:00

The Centre for Interpreting Services for the Disabled and the remote service are closed on:
6 January
Good Friday (Easter)
Easter Sunday
Easter Monday
1 May
Ascension Day
Midsummer’s Eve
Midsummer’s Day
All Saints’ Day
Independence Day 
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Boxing Day
New Year’s Day

Contact information

Bookings, changes and cancellations

RegionPhone and SMSE-mail
Uusimaa020 634
Western020 634
Central020 634
Ostrobothnia020 634
Eastern020 634
Northern020 634

If you are unsure which number to call, check which region your home municipality is located in (PDF, in Finnish).

Fees applied for phone calls and text messages:

  • Standard local/mobile network rate within Finland
  • international rate as applicable.

General information


Kela mailing address

Kela, PL 10, 00056 KELA