For which purposes can I book an interpreter? | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

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For which purposes can you book an interpreter from Kela? 

You can book an interpreter

  • for work
  • for shopping or visiting a bank or the hairdresser's, for instance
  • for seeing a doctor, physical therapist or rehabilitation provider
  • for leisure activities such as attending a party, going to the museum or theatre, spending time with your hobbies, or attending summer camp
  • for foreign travel
  • for post-comprehensive school study
  • for interpret a form
  • for interpret a podcast

You will need a separate decision about your right to an interpreter if you request one for foreign travel or study. More information about interpreter assistance during foreign travel and study.

Interpreter service for work-related situations

State in your booking that you wish to book an interpreter for a work-related situation. Also state any needs as regards interpreter service in work-related situations, so that we can take them into account when we process the booking.

Kela follows how the interpreter service in work-related situations is arranged for you and may suggest changes. For instance, we can suggest new interpreters for your interpreter list. We strive to make sure that there are as few changes as possible to the interpreters that interpret for you in work-related situations.

If you wish to discuss your needs as regards interpreter service for work-related situations, you can book an appointment for this purpose with the Centre for Interpreting Services for the Disabled. A discussion may be necessary for instance if you start a new job or if there have been problems in arranging interpreter service for work-related situations. Kela can also suggest a discussion.

A representative for the employer can participate in the discussion.

Sharing an interpreter during a public event

If you are attending a public event and know that there will be others who need the same type of interpretation as you do, you can share an interpreter. Once you have made the necessary arrangements, book an interpreter through the Centre for Interpreting Services for the Disabled, specifying that several persons will share the interpreter. The hours for which an interpreter is available will be deducted from the hourly entitlement of the person in whose name the booking is made.

Interpreter assistance during childbirth

Before giving birth, you can ask to have a stand-by list of interpreters who are available to help you during childbirth. 

The interpreters will be standing by for a period of four weeks; two weeks before and two weeks after your estimated due date. The interpreter who is on call will join you in the maternity ward. 

A list of interpreters who are standing by can be provided for the expecting mother or her spouse or partner. The list is provided only to persons who have a right to interpreter service.

Contact the Centre for Interpreting Services for the Disabled to have a stand-by list set up for you.

Provide the following information:

  • person for whom the stand-by list will be set up
  • the names of your preferred interpreters
  • your estimated due date
  • the address of the maternity hospital

If you do not have any preferred interpreters, the Centre for Interpreting Services for the Disabled will select suitable interpreters. The interpreters on the stand-by list will be available also at times when the Centre is closed. This means that if you need an interpreter at such time you can get in touch directly with the interpreter who is currently on call. At all other times, book an interpreter in the usual way. The Centre will attempt to assign an interpreter from your stand-by list.


If you have an urgent need for interpreter assistance, you can contact an interpreter or service provider directly. Find the service providers in your region (in Finnish).

Remote interpretation is another option that you can use in emergencies.

You can also use the 112 text message service (Read more in Finnish).

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Last modified 10/2/2025