Interpreter service and travel abroad | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

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Interpretation during travel abroad

You can also be granted interpreter assistance for travel abroad if you have been granted the right to interpreting service for the disabled.

The trip must be related to your studies, your work or your everyday life. You can get interpreter service for example for a holiday abroad or for a trip to visit a friend or relative.

Arranging interpreter service for foreign travel always requires that you know beforehand in which situations you will need interpreter service during the trip. In order to get an interpreter with you on the trip, you must have a need of interpreter service during the trip in different situations where you communicate with others, for instance when you participate in guided tours. Apply for the right to interpreter service and book an interpreter well in advance of your trip. The booking of an interpreter is made at the same time on the same form with which you apply for the right to interpreter service for foreign travel.

If you make a day trip to a neighbouring country

You do not need to apply separately for the right to interpreter service for foreign travel if you make a day trip to a neighbouring country and you do not stay overnight in the country of destination. Neither do you need to apply separately for the right to interpreter service for cruises of less than 24 hours (e.g. mini cruises, day cruises). Such trips are considered trips within Finland.

Remote interpretation during foreign travel

You can use remote interpretation also when you are abroad. You need not apply for the right to interpreter service during travel abroad if you are only going to use remote interpretation on your trip. Book an interpreter via the Centre for Interpreting Services for the Disabled.

You can be granted interpreter service for trips lasting up to two weeks

You can be granted interpreter service for trips lasting up to two weeks. If your trip lasts longer, you can only get interpreter service if you need it for work, study or some other valid reason.

Local interpreter

You can suggest an interpreter from your own region for the trip abroad.

If this interpreter is not available and you have an interpreter list, we will try to find an interpreter from your list from your own region. If you do not have an interpreter list, we will try to find an interpreter from the other interpreters in your region.

European Health Insurance Card

If you fall suddenly ill or have an accident while abroad, you receive medical treatment in the EU and EEA countries and in Switzerland to the same cost as local residents, if you have a European Health Insurance Card.

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