How to apply for rehabilitation allowance | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

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How to apply for rehabilitation allowance

Follow the below instructions when applying for rehabilitation allowance, partial rehabilitation allowance, rehabilitation allowance for young persons or maintenance allowance.

Apply for the rehabilitation allowance online

Apply for benefits
  1. Apply for the rehabilitation allowance online in the OmaKela e-service (available in Finnish or Swedish). If you are applying for rehabilitation allowance for young persons for your child, go to Asioi toisen henkilön puolesta (Act on behalf of another person). Please note that the e-service is available in Finnish and Swedish only.
  2. Scan or take a photo of any supporting documents and send them online. Enclose the following with the application:
  3. Visit Kela's e-service to see if your application has been decided. You can also see any possible reminders concerning, for instance, documents missing from your application. You will also receive a written decision by mail to your home address.

Alternatively you can fill in and print out  the application for a rehabilitation allowance (KU112e, PDF) or, if you are applying for a rehabilitation allowance for young persons, the application for a rehabilitation allowance for young persons (KU111, PDF in Finnish). Mail your application along with the supporting documents to Kela, PL 10, 00056 KELA.

When to apply

Apply for rehabilitation allowance, partial rehabilitation allowance, rehabilitation allowance for young persons or maintenance allowance within six months of the date on which you want the payment to begin.

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Last modified 8/1/2025