How to appeal a decision
If you think that the decision you got from Kela is wrong, you can appeal to have it changed.
How to appeal a decision issued to you
- File an appeal using the OmaKela e-service. Please note that our e-service is only available in Finnish and Swedish.
- You can also use the form Letter of appeal VAL1e (pdf) to file the appeal.
- If you choose not to use the form or the OmaKela e-service, provide the following information in your appeal:
- your name, personal identity code, phone number and address at which you wish to receive letters and decision notices concerning the appeal
- the decision you are appealing
- how you want the decision to be changed
- why you want the decision to be changed
- If you are submitting the appeal on a form or in your own words, mail the appeal to Kela, PL 10, 00056 KELA.
- If someone else manages your Kela-related affairs on your behalf, they must have an authorisation from you. Read more about acting on behalf of another person.
Submit your appeal within 37 days of the date on which the decision you are appealing was mailed or sent to your electronically.
More detailed instructions for making an appeal are also included with the decision.
If you are dissatisfied with a decision you received from Kela about basic social assistance, follow these instructions to ask for a rectification.
If you are dissatisfied with a payment outstanding notice about the healthcare fee for higher education students, follow these instructions to appeal it.
If you are dissatisfied with a decision you received from Kela about treatment abroad, follow these instructions to appeal it.
How your appeal will proceed
If Kela accepts all of the claims you make in the appeal, it will issue a self-rectification decision and will not refer the case to the appeal body.
If Kela cannot self-rectify the decision in accordance with the appeal, it will refer the case to the appeal body. Kela can also issue an interim decision in which it accepts some of your claims.
Appeals against decisions issued on most Kela benefits, with a few exceptions, are reviewed by the Social Security Appeal Board.
If your appeal concerns student financial aid, school transport subsidy, student loan compensation, student loan tax deduction or assistance with student loan interest, it will be reviewed by the Student Financial Aid Appeal Board.
There is a further right of appeal to the Insurance Court, which is the highest court of appeal.
Both will provide you with a written decision on your appeal.
Appeals to the Appeal Board are processed free of charge. The Insurance Court usually does not charge private appellants a court fee. More information can be found on the Insurance Court website.
Contact information of the appeal bodies
Social Security Appeal Board
Contact information and opening hours (in Finnish)
Student Financial Aid Appeal Board
Contact information and opening hours (in Finnish)
Insurance Court
Contact information and opening hours (in Finnish)