Rectification request - Social assistance | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

If you are not satisfied with the decision on social assistance, make a rectification request

Make a rectification request to Kela’s Appeals Management Centre

If you are not satisfied with a decision you receive from Kela about social assistance, you can ask Kela's Appeals Management Centre for a rectification. Instructions for making a rectification request (in Finnish oikaisuvaatimus) are enclosed with the decision.

See average processing time of rectification requests.

Submit the rectification request in writing within 37 days of the date when your decision on social assistance was mailed to you. The mailing date is shown on the decision. The instructions enclosed with the decision notice also include the date by which you must submit a rectification request to Kela. You can submit a rectification request in OmaKela or on the form TO 5e Rectification request - Social assistance (pdf) or in your own words in writing. 

Make a rectification request in OmaKela under Valita päätöksestä (Appeal against a decision). OmaKela is available in Finnish and Swedish. A rectification request made in OmaKela goes directly to the Appeals Management Centre.

Send any supporting documents relating to your rectification request in OmaKela within a day of making the request. If you submit supporting documents later, clearly indicate on each document that it is related to your rectification request.

You can make a rectification request on the form TO 5e Rectification request - Social assistance (pdf) or in your own words in writing. If you make a rectification request in your own words, include at least the following information:

  • your name, personal identity code, address and telephone number
  • which decision you want changed (the date on which the decision was given)
  • how you want the decision to be changed
  • why you want the decision to be changed.

Send the form or your written rectification request by post to Kela, Oikaisuvaatimuskeskus, PL 10, 00056 KELA. You can also hand it in at any Kela customer service point.

You can appeal against a decision by Kela’s Appeals Management Centre to the regional administrative court

If you are not satisfied with the decision by Kela’s Appeals Management Centre, you can appeal against the decision to the administrative court in your region. Instructions for making an appeal are enclosed with the decision you receive from the Appeals Management Centre.

  1. Submit the appeal in writing within 37 days of the date of mailing of the decision from the Appeals Management Centre. The mailing date is shown on the decision.
  2. Send the appeal document and the supporting documents to the administrative court for the region where you live. If you do not have a municipality of residence in Finland, you should send the documents to the Helsinki Administrative Court.
  3. When the regional administrative court has decided your case, you will receive a decision by post. If you are not satisfied with the decision, you can apply to the Supreme Administrative Court for leave to appeal.
  4. If the regional administrative court has changed or repealed the decision of the Appeals Management Centre, you will receive a new decision from Kela. You will automatically be paid the missing amount of social assistance if the court has ordered that it shall be paid.

Helsinki Administrative Court
Radanrakentajantie 5
00520 Helsinki
tel. 0295 642 069

Administrative Court of Hämeenlinna
Raatihuoneenkatu 1
13100 Hämeenlinna
tel. 0295 642 210

Administrative Court of Eastern Finland
PL 1744
70101 Kuopio
tel. 0295 642 502

Administrative Court of Northern Finland
PL 189
90101 Oulu
tel. 0295 642 800

Turku Administrative Court
PL 32
20101 Turku
tel. 0295 642 410

Vaasa Administrative Court
PL 204
65101 Vaasa
tel. 0295 642 780

Appealing against a decision by the regional administrative court

You may appeal against decisions of the regional administrative court to the Supreme Administrative Court, if the Supreme Administrative Court grants you leave to appeal.

Instructions on how to request leave to appeal are provided by the regional administrative court that made the decision and by the Supreme Administrative Court.

Supreme Administrative Court
PL 180
00131 Helsinki
tel. 0295 640 200

Last modified 27/1/2025