Decision | Our Services | KelaSkip to content


Once Kela has processed your application, you will receive a decision. The amount of the benefit, the criteria for granting it, and the payment date are shown in the decision. You will receive a decision even if you have not been granted a benefit.

When can I expect a decision on my application?

Visit OmaKela to see an estimate of how long it will take to process your application. Our customer service specialists cannot tell you when you will receive a decision on your application or how long your application will take to process.

However, you should call our customer service if you need benefits urgently. It is not possible to speed up the application process via OmaKela.

The decision notice is only in Finnish or Swedish. If you need help with something, you can call one of our English language customer service numbers.

Decisions can be viewed in OmaKela and are sent to your home address

The decision will be available in the OmaKela e-service (available in Finnish and Swedish), and will also be sent to your home address. In OmaKela, you can view the decision under Omat etuudet (My benefits) on the front page. Please note that our e-service is only available in Finnish and Swedish.

You can also choose to receive decisions only via OmaKela. However, this option is not yet available for all benefits. See which decisions can be delivered to OmaKela only.

All decisions issued to you over the last two years are available in OmaKela. If you need a decision that was issued earlier, you can ask Kela to mail it to your home address. Use the OmaKela e-service to send a message or call Kela’s customer service.

Decisions that contain errors are corrected

Kela corrects any errors it notices in decisions. The error can be corrected either in your favour or to your disadvantage. Errors may be corrected to your disadvantage only with your consent. If you do not consent, Kela may ask the relevant appeal board to nullify the decision.

Kela will issue a decision on the correction. You have the right to seek to change the decision by lodging an appeal.

If you are dissatisfied with a decision

If you think that a decision you have received from Kela is wrong, you can appeal to have it changed. Instructions on how to appeal are included with each benefit decision. If you have questions, please contact Kela first before taking any other steps.

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Last modified 27/1/2025