How to appeal a decision on treatment abroad | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

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How to appeal a decision on treatment abroad

If you think that a decision you have received from Kela is incorrect, contact Kela first and ask us to re-examine the decision. Having the decision re-examined by Kela is quicker than filing a rectification request. If Kela cannot re-examine the decision, file a rectification request.

The following instructions apply to decisions you have received on reimbursement for the costs of treatment abroad or on prior authorisation to seek treatment abroad. If you think that Kela has made an erroneous decision on reimbursement for medicines or travel expenses, please follow these instructions to appeal the decision.

First, check if Kela can re-examine the decision 

Kela can re-examine decisions if they contain obvious errors or if they are based on insufficient information. Having a decision re-examined by Kela takes less time than filing a rectification request, and you can have your case resolved faster. 

Contact Kela if you want Kela to re-examine a decision. 

For example, if relevant facts have not been taken into account in the decision because supporting documents were missing from your application, please submit the missing documents in the OmaKela e-service (available in Finnish and Swedish). Include your name and personal identity code on the documents, and we will re-examine the decision and take into account the documents you have submitted.

Request a rectification of Kela’s decision, if necessary

If Kela cannot correct the decision on reimbursement or prior authorisation for treatment abroad by simply re-examining it, you can appeal the decision by filing a rectification request. File the rectification request within 37 days of the mailing date of the decision. The mailing date is shown on the decision.

You can request a rectification of the decision in OmaKela e-service (available in Finnish and Swedish) on a form or in your own words in writing. Rectification requests cannot be made verbally.

Rectification requests concerning reimbursement and prior authorisation for treatment abroad are processed by the Centre for International Affairs, which is part of Kela.

You can submit supporting documents relating to your rectification request in OmaKela within a day of making the request. If you have filed your rectification request in OmaKela, it will be forwarded directly to the Centre for International Affairs.

If you make your rectification request on a form, use the form Letter of appeal (PDF). If you write your rectification request in your own words, please include at least the following information:

  • your name, personal identity code, address and telephone number
  • the decision you are appealing
  • how you want the decision to be changed
  • why you want the decision to be changed.

Send the form or a rectification request written in your own words by post to Kela, Centre for International Affairs, PL 78, 00381 Helsinki.

A rectification request can be filed by the applicant, a legally competent family member, a trustee or other legal representative.

If you think the decision on your rectification request is incorrect, you can appeal the decision to the Administrative Court in your region.

  1. File an appeal in writing within 37 days of the mailing date of the decision on your rectification request. The mailing date is shown on the decision.
  2. Send the letter of appeal and any supporting documents to the Administrative Court for the region where your municipality of residence is located. The correct Administrative Court and its address is shown on the decision on your rectification request. If you do not have a municipality of residence in Finland, the documents should be sent to Helsinki Administrative Court.
  3. When the Administrative Court has decided the case, you will receive a decision by post.
  4. If the Administrative Court has changed or repealed the decision of the Centre for International Affairs, you will receive a new decision from Kela.

You may appeal decisions of the Administrative Court to the Supreme Administrative Court if the Court gives you leave to appeal. Instructions on how to appeal are provided by the Administrative Court that made the decision and by the Supreme Administrative Court.

Do you still have questions?

Call Kela’s customer service.

020 634 0200
020 634 0200
Last modified 27/1/2025