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Rehabilitation for all ages

Kela provides access to rehabilitation for persons of all ages and in various life situations.

For children

Kela arranges adaptation training courses during which children and their family members and other persons close to them can get support with the changes caused by an illness or impairment. Read more about training courses.

LAKU family rehabilitation is for children and adolescents between ages 7 and 15 who have been diagnosed with one of the following

  • ADHD or ADD
  • an autism spectrum disorder (without significant cognitive developmental delay)
  • Tourette’s syndrome or persistent tic symptoms.

Children can get multidisciplinary individual rehabilitation in rehabilitation institutions. It can take such forms as services for persons with sensory impairments or with musculoskeletal disorders or rheumatoid arthritis, or as general and neurological rehabilitation services. Read more about multidisciplinary individual rehabilitation.

Children may have a right to intensive medical rehabilitation if they have an illness or impairment that causes significant problems with daily activities (e.g., makes it more difficult for them to participate fully in day care or school activities). Intensive medical rehabilitation can also be offered in the form of various therapies. Read more about intensive medical rehabilitation.

If a child’s illness or impairment is a hindrance to their education, he or she can be provided with assistive devices starting in the 7th year of school. Read more about assistive devices.

For young persons and adults

If you have an illness or impairment that makes it difficult to choose an occupation, to pursue an education, or to cope with job demands, you could get help from vocational rehabilitation. Vocational rehabilitation can take the form of such measures as vocational rehabilitation aimed at supporting the integration into work, education and training, and vocational rehabilitation courses. Read more about vocational rehabilitation.

If you are between 16 and 19, you may be able to get a rehabilitation allowance for young persons while participating in intensive rehabilitation aimed at promoting your ability to study or to find work. Read more about rehabilitation allowance.

If your ability to work or study is put at risk because of depression or other mental health issue, you may be entitled to rehabilitative psychotherapy. Read more about rehabilitative psychotherapy.

At rehabilitation and adaptation training courses you and your family can get information about your diagnosis and support with the changes caused by the illness or impairment.  Courses are arranged for a variety of different age groups. Read more about rehabilitation and adaptation training courses.

You can apply for Oma Väylä rehabilitation if you have been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder without accompanying intellectual impairment (Asperger syndrome) or an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or an attention deficit disorder (ADD). The individual and group sessions are aimed at supporting your ability to study and to engage in working life. Read more about Oma väylä -rehabilitation

If you have an illness or impairment that significantly limits your ability to function and makes it more difficult to handle daily activities, you may have a right to multidisciplinary individual rehabilitation in a rehabilitation institution.  There are dedicated programmes for young persons. These include rehabilitation services for persons with sensory impairments or with musculoskeletal disorders and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as general and neurological rehabilitation services. Read more about multidisciplinary individual rehabilitation.

If you have an illness or impairment that makes it more difficult to cope with your educational or work demands, you may be able to get assistive devices that help you study. Read more about  assistive devices.

If you have an impairment or illness that causes significant difficulty with daily activities and participation, you may have a right to intensive medical rehabilitation. It can take the form of various kinds of therapy, multidisciplinary individual rehabilitation, and rehabilitation and adaptation training courses. Read more about intensive medical rehabilitation.

You may be able to get neuropsychological rehabilitation if you have been diagnosed with a developmental or learning disorder. Read more about neuropsychological rehabilitation.

Last modified 20/3/2024