Financial aid for students - Report changes in your circumstances | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

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Report changes

You must make sure that the information you provide to Kela is correct. Remember to tell Kela immediately about any changes that affect your eligibility for financial aid or the amount of such aid.

Tell Kela for example about the following events:

  • You move out of your parent's home.
  • You move in with your parent.
  • You withdraw from a course of study.
  • You graduate or complete your studies You need not report that you have graduated or completed your studies if your studies end with the same month as your financial aid ends.
  • Entering military service, non-military service or voluntary armed service   
  • You receive income from abroad.
  • You begin to receive a benefit which makes you ineligible for financial aid.
  • You start a period of paid vocational on-the-job training (apprenticeship training).

If you study at a higher education institution and the content of your degree studies changes but the educational institution, the degree level and its scope does not change, you do not have to report it to Kela.

Report any changes online. You can also call  telephone assistance for students.

Alternatively you can complete and print out a notification of changes OT 15e (PDF). On form Cancellation, withdrawal or repayment of student financial aid OT 16e form (PDF) you can cancel your financial aid, pay it back voluntarily, or end it on account of graduation, leaving your course of study, or the performance of conscript service.

If you report changes late, if the information you provide turns out to be incorrect, or if you do not report relevant information, you may receive financial aid even though you are not entitled to it. In that case Kela will collect from you the amount of aid overpaid to you.

If you conceal details, provide false information, or fail to report changes with intent as defined in the Criminal Code, Kela is required to report the matter to police and prosecuting authorities for investigation. If you repeatedly provide false or misleading information, Kela may also turn down any financial aid applications you may submit in the future.

Review of financial aid

If your circumstances change, Kela can review the amount of your financial aid or stop paying it. You will receive financial aid based on your new circumstances usually from the beginning of the month in which the new circumstances have been in effect for at least 18 calendar days.

Example 1

A student who has previously lived with their parent(s) moves into a rental apartment and submits the form Notification of changes, Financial aid for students (OT 15e). If the date of moving is between 1 October and 14 October, the student receives a study grant and housing supplement for students living independently from the beginning of October, because their new circumstances are in effect for at least 18 days during the month of October. If the date of moving is between 15 October and 31 October, the student is paid a higher rate of financial aid from the beginning of November, because their new circumstances are in effect for less than 18 days during the month of October.

Example 2

A student is granted sickness allowance, which goes into payment on the 15th of the month. Payment of financial aid for students is stopped at the beginning of the following month, because the following month is the first month in which the student will receive sickness allowance for at least 18 days. Payment of the sickness allowance ends on the 15th day of a subsequent month. The student can get financial aid starting from the beginning of the following month, because that month is the first month in which the student has enough days (18) that qualify her for financial aid.

 Graduating or withdrawing from a course of study

If you graduate or withdraw from a course of study, Kela stops paying you financial aid either at the beginning of your final month of study or the beginning of the following month, depending on the date of graduation or withdrawal.

  • If the date of graduation or withdrawal falls between the 1st and 17th day of the month, Kela stops paying you financial aid at the beginning of the month of graduation or withdrawal.
  • If the date of graduation or withdrawal falls between the 18th and 31st day of the month, Kela stops paying you financial aid at the beginning of the month following graduation or withdrawal. In that case your month of graduation will be included in your period of study also for purposes of the income check.

Temporary changes

Temporary changes in circumstances can be a study period abroad or a period of job training in which you housing circumstances change.

Kela adjusts your financial aid for any calendar month during which there is a change in your circumstances lasting at least 18 days. If the change in circumstances does not last at least 18 days in the first or last month in which it is in effect, Kela does not review your financial aid during such months.


A student goes on a student exchange for the period 20 January - 10 June. During the months of February, March, April and May there are at least 18 days in which there is a change in her circumstances. In the first and last month of exchange (January and June) there are not at least 18 days in which there is a change in her circumstances. Kela reviews her financial aid for the months of February-May. In February-May, the student is paid the housing supplement for those studying abroad and a larger government guarantee for a student loan.

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Last modified 18/2/2025