Service in other languages | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

Service in other languages

Kela offers customer service in Finnish, Swedish, English and Sami. In addition, you can manage your affairs with the assistance of an interpreter.

Most Kela service points offer instant interpretation, with no appointment needed. Kela’s customer service specialists can contact an interpreter immediately by phone or on a tablet computer. Instant interpretation is most useful in brief customer service interactions.

If needed, the customer service specialist can also set up a phone appointment for you which will be joined by an interpreter. The need for an interpreter is always evaluated on a case-by-case basis. You cannot book an interpreter yourself. You won’t be charged for interpreter service.

Call Kela’s customer service number if you need an interpreter.​​​​

Kela's OmaKela e-service is available in Finnish and Swedish.

The war in Ukraine and how it affects the benefits available from Kela

Are persons arriving in Finland from Ukraine eligible for social security coverage in Finland and for Kela benefits? How do the sanctions imposed on Russia affect Kela benefits?

Answers to frequently asked questions are available in Finnish, Swedish, English, Ukrainian and Russian.

InfoFinland – Your guide for living in Finland

InfoFinland is your source of information for moving and living in Finland. Check our tips on permits, jobs, housing and education & find local contact information.

Read more (

Brochures in other languages

All of Kela’s brochures are available in Finnish and Swedish, many also in English. Click the menu below to look up brochures available in other languages.

Note that some of the brochures are available as PDF files only.
