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How to tender

Information on invitations to tender, market dialogues and information requests are published in the public procurement notification service Hilma and the electronic supplier portal Tarjouspalvelu. Kela can also publish advance notices on upcoming procurements.

Participation in market dialogues and information requests

You can influence future procurements by Kela by participating in market dialogues or replying to information requests.
Follow the instructions given. Companies are usually asked to

  • reply to a survey
  • submit a reply via the portal Tarjouspalvelu
  • register by e-mail.

Please note that the market dialogue or the information request and the answers provided in these are not binding for the parties. Kela is not bound to carry out the procurement on the basis of the information request or the market dialogue, and neither is Kela bound by the terms and conditions or the specifications in them.

How to draw up a tender

Submit your tender through the portal Tarjouspalvelu. Using the service requires registration. Tenders cannot be submitted in any other way.
Instructions for tendering:

  1. Read the invitation to tender in time and make sure you allow enough time to prepare your tender. If you have questions about the invitation to tender or the tendering process, present them in the manner stated in the invitation to tender and within the specified time limit.
  2. Kela publishes the answers to the questions in Tarjouspalvelu. Read the answers carefully. Please note that Kela can also amend the invitation to tender through an amendment notice. While the invitation to tender is being amended, no tenders can be submitted. The publication of the amendment notice can take a few days.
  3. When you are completing the tender form, check that you have filled in everything that is asked for and make sure that you enclose the requested supporting documents. Do not submit any extra documents. Tenderers are responsible for ensuring that they have completed the tender fully and accurately. Kela can only to a limited extent ask for additional information regarding tenders that contain incomplete or contradictory information. 
  4. The completed tender must comply with the invitation to tender. This means that the goods, services or contract works must meet the minimum requirements set out in the invitation to tender.
  5. Tenderers must accept the terms and conditions set out in the tender document. Tenderers cannot set out any terms and conditions or provisions of their own.
  6. Submit the tender within the time limit specified in the invitation to tender. Tenders submitted after the deadline cannot be accepted.
  7. After the deadline, Kela will open the tenders and start processing them. During the processing, Kela can ask the tenderers for clarifications. Also be prepared to file the documentation requested in the invitation to tender without delay, from both the tendering company and any subcontractors. If the procurement exceeds the EU threshold value, the extracts from the criminal record for the tenderers that have been accepted will be consulted. Read more about ordering extracts from the criminal record (
  8. Please note that the decision-making may take some time. The procurement decision will be notified to all the tenderers at the same time, and the appeal period starts from this date. Instructions for the appeal are enclosed with the decision.
  9. Remember that the contract cannot be signed until Kela has received all the documents required from the tenderer and any subcontractors.

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Last modified 31/7/2024