How to apply for intensive medical rehabilitation | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

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How to apply for intensive medical rehabilitation

  1. See a doctor in the public healthcare system. Once you have a rehabilitation plan showing your need for rehabilitation, you can apply for rehabilitation from Kela.
  2. Fill in the form titled Vaativa lääkinnällinen kuntoutus (KU 104, PDF in Finnish).
    • Save the blank form to your device. Do not fill in the application directly in the browser, otherwise some of the information may not be saved.
    • Open the form with Adobe Reader and fill it in.
  3. Enclose with the application a rehabilitation plan drawn up by your doctor, in which your doctor recommends that you should be given access to rehabilitation. Instead of a rehabilitation plan, you can enclose a doctor’s statement B that sets out a rehabilitation plan for you.
  4. Send the application using the OmaKela e-service:
    • Save the completed form to your device. Note that the form must be in PDF format.
    • Log in to OmaKela (available in Finnish and Swedish). Go to Tee hakemus (File an application).
    • Select Sairastaminen ja kuntoutus and then Kuntoutus – tee hakemus.
    • Select the application form on your device and press Lähetä (Send).
    • When you send your application online, you do not need to sign it.
    • If you have supporting documents, sent them via OmaKela after you have submitted your application. If they are paper documents, you can photograph or scan them.

      Another option is to send the application by mail:

    • Sign the application and send it with the supporting documents to Kela, PL 10, 00056 KELA.
  5. Kela may invite you to an interview.
  6. A written decision on your application will be sent to you by post. You can also view the decision on our e-service.The decision will also be sent to the rehabilitation provider, who will reserve a place for you in the rehabilitation and accept it as a voucher covering the cost of the rehabilitation.

When to apply

The earliest that Kela can grant access to rehabilitation and provide compensation for its costs is the beginning of the month of application. In exceptional cases, compensation for rehabilitation costs can be paid retroactively for six months.