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Learn more about the interpreter service for the disabled persons

The interpreter service for the disabled is suitable for you if you have a hearing impairment, vision and hearing impairment or speech impairment and you need interpreter service due to your disability. The interpreter service for the disabled aims to promote your possibilities to be an active member of society on equal terms with others.

How is interpreter service arranged?

  • Interpretation can be arranged as on-site interpretation or as remote interpretation.
  • The nearest available interpreter is assigned to you. If you need interpreter service outside your home region, an interpreter is assigned who works near the place where the service is needed.
  • Interpreter list is a list of interpreters to whom your bookings are primarily forwarded. You can choose whether to use an interpreter list. If you do not want to use an interpreter list, a suitable interpreter is assigned to your booking who works near the place where interpreter service is needed.
  • Interpreter service can be provided for any language, if an interpreter with the required language skills is available for the assignment. The communication method can thus be for instance Russian sign language or speech-to-text interpretation in English.

What does the interpreter service include?

You can book an interpreter for situations which involve interaction with another person. The interpreter can interpret sign language, speech clarified by signs or speech. Interpreter service can also be arranged to interpret messages or texts in written form, for instance a form.

You can use interpreter service in connection with

  • work
  • for post-comprehensive school study
  • errands
  • participation in society
  • hobbies or recreation.

Interpreter service does not include for instance

  • serving as a replacement for other services, such as personal assistance or transport
  • interpretation between two sign languages, e.g. between Finnish sign language and Finnish-Swedish sign language
  • interpretation of two spoken languages, for instance from spoken Finnish to spoken English
  • interpretation in International Sign
  • interpretation of audiobooks or podcasts
  • translation of books and equivalent works
  • teaching of different communication methods.

The wellbeing services counties arrange education in sign language and other communication methods. Contact your municipality of residence for further information.

What is interpretation?

Interpretation means the transmission of a message through sign language or some other equivalent communication method. The interpretation always involves at least three parties, one of which is the interpreter. The interpreter conveys messages between the other parties.

Interpretation is used in situations that involve interaction with another person and where for instance a person with hearing impairment cannot manage with a hearing device or even a cochlear implant.

How much interpreter service can you be awarded?

Persons with hearing impairment or with speech impairment are entitled to a minimum of 180 hours of interpreter service per year and persons with vision and hearing impairment are entitled to a minimum of 360 hours of interpreter service per year.

If you need more interpreter service, you can apply for additional hours of interpreter service.

Using the service is free of charge.

Last modified 1/1/2025