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Price notification to Kela

E-service for pharmaceutical companies

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The prices for products included in generic substitution and the reference price system must be reported to Kela 4 times a year. Kela forwards the notifications to the Pharmaceuticals Pricing Board (Hila), which means that one price notification to Kela is sufficient.

The marketing authorisation holder or someone representing the marketing authorisation holder must report the following information in the price notification:

  • the tax-free wholesale price of the product that will take effect nation-wide at the beginning of the quarter
  • the availability of the product, i.e. information on whether the product is generally available at the time of notification and throughout the following quarter.

In the price notification, information can also be provided on the withdrawal from the reimbursement system of a product included in the reference price system from the beginning of the quarter.

The price notification can be submitted

E-service for pharmaceutical companies


Please note: The service can only be used by pharmaceutical companies that have a Finnish business ID (Y-tunnus). The service is only available in Finnish and Swedish.

If the company has a business ID (Y-tunnus), the price notifications can be filed via the e-service for pharmaceutical companies maintained by Kela. The e-service is open 30–21 days before the first day of each quarter. The notifications must be submitted at the latest by 16:15 on the last day of the notification period.

Electronic transmission of data

The price notifications can be sent to Kela as a CSV-file over a server. Kela and the pharmaceutical company must conclude an agreement on the transmission of the file. Please contact Kela if you wish to submit the price notification as a file. See Kela’s contact information.

Authorised agent

A pharmaceutical company can authorise another organisation to file the price notifications with Kela on its behalf. As regards reimbursable products, the authorisation must be reported to Hila and, as regards non-reimbursable products, to Kela. See the contact information of Hila and Kela.

The signed authorisation must indicate the following:

  • the contact information and business ID (Y-tunnus) of the company giving the authorisation
  • the contact information and business ID (Y-tunnus) of the authorised company
  • the period of validity of the authorisation
  • package-specific details about the products to which the authorisation applies.

Paper form

On a single form, you can provide package-specific details about one product. Fill in and print out the quarterly price notification for a medicinal product (PDF).

How to complete and send the form

  1. Complete all the sections on the form. If a particular item of information is not available, draw a line across the relevant section.
  2. Indicate the availability of the medicine when notifying the wholesale price.
  3. Date and sign the form.
  4. Scan the signed form and send it to the address

It is recommended to use encrypted e-mail. Please note: Always request a confirmation of receipt of the price notification also by unprotected e-mail.

Alternatively, you can send the form

  • by post to Kela, Etuuspalvelujen tulosyksikkö, Osaamiskeskuksen lääkeryhmä, P.O. Box 78, 00381 Helsinki
  • by delivering it to Kela’s Pitäjänmäki office at Höyläämötie 1 a B, 00380 Helsinki


Enquiries concerning price notifications and the formation of the price band::

Enquiries concerning the reference price system:

  • Ulla Kurkijärvi, Tel. +358 29516 3436
  • Hanna-Kaisa Joutsen, Tel. +358 29516 3442
  • Email:

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Last modified 1/7/2024