How does moving affect Kela benefits? | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

How does moving affect Kela benefits?

Moving may affect the amount of Kela benefits you can get. Your benefits may also be affected if someone else moves in with you. Remember to notify us of the move.

Remember to submit a move notification to the Digital and Population Data Services Agency

If you submit a move notification to the Digital and Population Data Services Agency, Kela will be automatically notified of your new home address.

Submit a move notification to the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.

Remember to notify Kela if you move or if the number of persons living in your apartment or house changes. These changes may affect your benefits. Below, we explain when your benefits are affected and how you can report these changes to us.

If you move to a new home

Moving to a new home may affect your Kela benefits. Moving can also affect the benefits of those who stay behind in your old apartment or house or those who live together with you after the move.

Your general housing allowance or housing allowance for pensioners must be reviewed if you move to a new home or if the number of residents in your current apartment or house changes.

Apply for a review of your allowance

Log in to OmaKela (in Finnish and Swedish)

How can I apply for a review of my allowance? (in Finnish)

OmaKela is only available in Finnish and Swedish. If you cannot use OmaKela, apply for a review of your housing allowance on one of the following forms:

Send the form and any supporting documents to Kela, PL 10, 00056 KELA.

Housing assistance for conscripts

The amount of housing assistance for conscripts must also be reviewed after moving.

Apply for a review on the form Sotilasavustus SA 1 (pdf). The form is only available in Finnish and Swedish. 

Send the form in the OmaKela e-service (available in Finnish and Swedish). You can also mail the form and any supporting documents to Kela, PL 10, 00056 KELA.

Use an online calculator to estimate the amount of housing allowance available to you

Use one of the following calculators to see how much housing allowance you can get after you have moved to your new home:

If you move, your social assistance must be reviewed. 

Apply for a review of your social assistance

Log in to OmaKela (in Finnish and Swedish)

How can I apply for a review of my social assistance? (in Finnish)

OmaKela is only available in Finnish and Swedish. If you cannot use OmaKela, apply for a review of your social assistance on the form Application - Social assistance TO 1e (pdf). Send the form and any supporting documents to Kela, PL 10, 00056 KELA.

Use an online calculator to estimate the change in the amount of your social assistance. The calculator is available in Finnish and Swedish.

Rental security deposits and moving costs

Remember that you can get social assistance not only for housing costs but also for:

If you move to another municipality, it may affect the municipal supplement paid in connection with your child home care allowance or private day care allowance. Not all municipalities pay a municipal supplement.

If your municipality of residence pays a municipal supplement, apply for a review of your allowance

Log in to OmaKela (in Finnish and Swedish)

How can I apply for a review of my allowance? (in Finnish)

OmaKela is only available in Finnish and Swedish. If you cannot use OmaKela, apply for a review of your allowance on the form Claim - Child home care allowance - Private day care allowance WH 1e. Send the form and any supporting documents to Kela, PL 10, 00056 KELA.

Use an online calculator to estimate the amount of child home care allowance you can get. The calculator is available in Finnish and Swedish.

If the municipal supplement is paid directly by your new municipality of residence, contact the municipal authorities.

Next time you complete an unemployment status report, tell us that you have moved.

Log in to OmaKela (in Finnish and Swedish).

OmaKela is only available in Finnish and Swedish. If you cannot use OmaKela, report your days of unemployment on the form Unemployment status report TT 2e (pdf). Send the form and any supporting documents to Kela, PL 10, 00056 KELA.

Remember to also notify the employment services that you have moved by reporting it in the employment services' e-service for personal customers (

If you move in with your partner

If you move in with your partner, this will affect many of your Kela benefits. You do not need to tell Kela if you get married, we are notified of this automatically.

Read more about which benefits are affected if you move in with your partner.

If your child comes to live with you

If your child comes to live with you, this will affect many of your Kela benefits.

When a child comes to live with you, you can get various benefits to help you care for the child. The benefits available to you depend on the age of the child and on who looks after the child.

Here are some examples of benefits you can apply for:

If your child comes to live with you, the amount of your general housing allowance or housing allowance for pensioners must be reviewed.

Apply for a review of the allowance

Log in to OmaKela (in Finnish and Swedish)

How can I apply for a review of my housing allowance? (in Finnish)

OmaKela is only available in Finnish and Swedish. If you cannot use OmaKela, apply for a review of your housing allowance on one of the following forms:

Send the form and any supporting documents to Kela, PL 10, 00056 KELA.

Housing assistance for conscripts

The amount of housing assistance for conscripts must also be reviewed. Apply for a review of your housing assistance for conscripts on the form Sotilasavustus SA 1 (pdf). This form is only available in Finnish and Swedish. 

Send the form in OmaKela (only available in Finnish and Swedish) or mail it to Kela, PL 10, 00056 KELA.

Use an online calculator to estimate the amount of housing allowance available to you

Use one of the following online calculators to estimate how your child coming to live with you will affect the amount of your housing allowance:

The amount of social assistance is affected by the number of family members and by their income and expenses. If you have not previously received social assistance, you may be able to receive it after the child comes to live with you, on the grounds that you now have additional expenses related to providing for the child.

Use an online calculator to estimate the amount of social assistance available to you if your child comes to live with you. The calculator is only available in Finnish and Swedish.

Apply for social assistance or a review of your social assistance

Log in to OmaKela (in Finnish and Swedish)

How can I apply for a review of my social assistance? (in Finnish).

OmaKela is only available in Finnish and Swedish. If you cannot use OmaKela, apply for a review of the amount of social assistance on the form Application - Social assistance TO 1e (pdf). Send the form and any supporting documents to Kela, PL 10, 00056 KELA.

If your child comes to live with you, you can get a child increase to your disability pension or old-age pension. 

Apply for a child increase on the form Application - Child increase for pensioners EV 264e (pdf). Send the form and any supporting documents to Kela, PL 10, 00056 KELA.

If you move into shared housing

Roommates can receive general housing allowance separately if each roommate has a separate lease. 

If the roommates have a joint lease or are jointly responsible for paying the rent, they must apply for general housing allowance together.

Read more about housing allowance for shared housing.

If you move to or from Finland

If you move abroad from Finland or stay abroad for a period longer than just a normal holiday trip, you must report this to Kela.

Check how moving to or from Finland affects your social security coverage:

Do you still have questions?

Call Kela’s customer service
Last modified 27/1/2025