If self-employment ends
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If your self-employment ends for instance because you stop working in your business or you retire, you may be eligible for benefits from Kela. The easiest way to apply for benefits for yourself is to use the OmaKela e-service (available in Finnish and Swedish). Read more about ending self-employment (suomi.fi).
If you become unemployed
- If your self-employment ends and you become unemployed, register immediately with the employment services of your municipality of residence as a jobseeker (tyomarkkinatori.fi). The KEHA Centre investigates the ending of the self-employment activity and issue a statement on your entitlement to an unemployment benefit to the unemployment fund or to Kela.
- If you are a member of a trade union or an unemployment fund, apply to your fund (tyj.fi) for earnings-related unemployment allowance. If you are not a member of an unemployment fund, apply to Kela for unemployment benefit. The unemployment fund or Kela investigates if the work requirement for self-employed persons is met and what the financial situation of the business is.
- The unemployment benefits paid by Kela are the basic unemployment allowance and the labour market subsidy. You can apply for basic unemployment allowance if you meet the work requirement for self-employed persons. If this is not the case, you can apply for labour market subsidy.
- Complete an unemployment status report in the OmaKela e-service every 4 weeks. Your unemployment benefit is paid on the basis of your report. Read the instructions.
- In addition to an unemployment benefit, you may also be entitled to general housing allowance and social assistance. However, first apply for an unemployment benefit.