System for electronic exchange of information EESSI
System for electronic exchange of information EESSI
Social security information is exchanged electronically between social security institutions in EU countries using EESSI. EESSI stands for Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information.
The system is used when processing cases related to social security that concern several countries. Via the system, the social security institutions in the EU countries can exchange information speedily and safely. When all EU countries have started using the system for electronic exchange of information, the sending of paper forms between the social security institutions will end.
EESSI has gradually been introduced in Finland
The EESSI system was introduced in Finland in December 2019. In Finland the system was first taken into use by the Finnish Workers’ Compensation Center, which handles compensations for industrial accidents and occupational diseases.
The EESSI exchange of information has been launched gradually by both EU and Finnish social security institutions. In Finland, information exchange started in December 2019, and the last exchanges of information started in April 2024. In Finland, more than 50 Finnish social security institutions use the EESSI system. In addition to Kela, EESSI is used by unemployment funds, the employment services, the Employment Fund, the accident insurance providers as well as the Finnish Centre for Pensions and the authorised pension providers.
The deployment of EESSI is still ongoing in some countries.
For the customers, the use of the system will not cause any changes.
Kela is responsible for maintaining the Finnish EESSI contact point
In preparation for the introduction of the system, each EU country has established a national contact point. Kela is responsible for the maintenance of the Finnish contact point. Via the contact point, information is exchanged between the Finnish authorities and the social security institutions in the other EU countries. There is a total of about 3,400 social security institutions in the EU, EEA countries, Switzerland and UK.