Assistive devices | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

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Assistive devices

If you have an illness or impairment that makes it impossible for you to carry out your job or studies without personal assistive devices, Kela can acquire the needed devices for you and help you learn how to use them and have them serviced.

You can only obtain assistive devices which are particularly demanding through Kela. This includes such equipment as video magnifiers, Braille and large-format displays and computers.

The basis on which the need for assistive devices is evaluated is the extent to which the illness or impairment impedes your work or studies. Severe vision loss, post-stroke condition, cerebral palsy, muscle disorder, rheumatoid arthritis and hearing loss are examples of illnesses which may significantly constrain the ability to work or study.

The earliest that Kela can provide you with an assistive device is the 7th year of comprehensive school, provided that your goal is to start vocational education after comprehensive school and to enter the working world.

You may be able to get other assistive devices not used in work or study from the health centre or other public healthcare providers.

If you need demanding assistive devices, file an application for vocational rehabilitation with Kela.

Last modified 2/12/2024