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Job coaching

Kela offers vocational rehabilitation in the form of job coaching. Job coaching may be right for you if you want to find work that suits your health, functional ability and overall situation. The work can be paid employment or self-employment. Job coaching is aimed at young persons and adults of working age.

Also check out the work try-out offered by Kela.

What is the aim of job coaching?

The aim of job coaching is for you to find work either in the form of paid employment or self-employment. Job coaching is a personalised service and you will have a personal coach to support you.

What happens during job coaching?

During your meetings with your coach, you will make plans for carrying out the job coaching and find you a suitable workplace for it. While participating in the job coaching, you will be working in paid employment in the open labour market. You will get paid for your time in work.

If your goal is to become self-employed, you will be working in your own business during the job coaching. Job coaching can also help you get started with your business.

Your job coaching will involve cooperation with services such as TE Services or healthcare services. The purpose of the cooperation is to support you in your job coaching goals and to ensure that information travels smoothly between different services.  Furthermore, the cooperation aims to ensure that you get the services you need even after the rehabilitation ends.

How long is the job coaching?

The job coaching consists of at most 25 meetings with your coach. Job coaching in the workplace consists of no more than 95 days of rehabilitation. As a whole, the job coaching will be carried out from start to finish within 13 months.

How can I get job coaching?

If you want to participate in job coaching, you need to apply for vocational rehabilitation from Kela. You can use Kela's service provider search (available in Finnish and Swedish) to find a rehabilitation service provider, or we can help you find a suitable service provider for your rehabilitation.

Learn more about vocational rehabilitation service providers

Service providers (available in Finnish and Swedish)
Last modified 29/11/2024