Submit a call request | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

Possible maintenance breaks on 28/3/2025 at 20:30–03:00 affecting the ability to download PDF documents in the OmaKela e-service Read more

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Submit a call request

You can submit a call request in the OmaKela e-service. Please note that the e-service is available in Finnish and Swedish only. The number of call request slots is limited. If no call request slots are available, you can call one of our customer service numbers.

You can submit a call request for the same or next weekday. One of our specialists will call you within 30 minutes of the call time you have selected.

Kela’s appointment booking system has changed – you can now submit call requests in OmaKela

Previously, you could use Kela’s appointment booking system to book a phone appointment. You can still use the appointment booking system to view or cancel an appointment booked for you by Kela or one of Kela’s partner organisations. However, you can no longer use the appointment booking system to book an appointment yourself.

You can now easily submit a call request in the OmaKela e-service.

How to submit a call request in OmaKela

  1. Log in to the OmaKela e-service with your online banking credentials or mobile ID.
  2. Select Jätä soittopyyntö (Submit a call request). You can find this option under Apua asiointiin (Help with using the e-services) at the bottom of the OmaKela interface.
  3. Fill in your phone number and choose the language you want to be served in. You can choose Finnish, Swedish or English. 
  4. Select the reason for your call request and when you want us to call you. Select Lähetä (Send) to submit the information.
  5. Write down the time you booked for your call request. You will not receive a separate reminder of when we will call you.
  6. Log out of OmaKela.

You cannot change or cancel your call request. You also cannot look up the details of your call request in OmaKela. Write down the time you booked for your call request.

If you submit a call request in OmaKela, one of our specialists will call you once. If you do not answer the call, you will get a text message from Kela asking you to call Kela’s phone service again.

Phone calls from Kela to individual customers typically come from one of two numbers: 020 692 219 or 020 634 1611. The call is free of charge. 

Submit a call request

Log in to OmaKela

Has someone else booked you a phone appointment or an appointment at a Kela service point?

You can use the appointment booking system to look up the details of a phone appointment or service point appointment booked for you by Kela or one of Kela’s partner organisations. You can also use the appointment booking system to cancel an appointment that has been booked for you.

If a phone appointment has been booked for you, one of our specialists will call you at the agreed time from one of two numbers: 020 692 219 or 020 634 1611. Please have all documents that relate to your matter at hand. These may include, for example, a pay slip or a medical certificate. The call is free of charge.

  1. Log in to the appointment booking system with your online banking credentials or mobile ID.
  2. Select View appointments on the front page.
  3. Select the appointment you want to view or cancel. Select View or Cancel appointment.
  4. If you want to cancel your appointment, select Cancel appointment. After this, select the reason for the cancellation and confirm the cancellation.
  5. Remember to log out of the system once you are done.

You cannot use the appointment booking system to book an appointment with Kela’s customer services. You must call Kela’s phone service or visit a service point if you want to book an appointment. Kela’s partner organisations can also book a phone appointment for you.

You can view or cancel an appointment booked for another person if they have granted you a mandate called Manage social security benefits. Guardians can view or cancel appointments booked for their underage child without a separate authorisation or mandate. Private guardians and persons with a continuing power of attorney can also view or cancel appointments on behalf of the person who granted them power of attorney once the power of attorney has been confirmed by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency (DVV). Read more about acting on someone else’s behalf in Kela-related matters.

If you want to view or cancel an appointment on behalf of another person, log in to the appointment booking system with your own credentials first. Select Act on behalf of another person on the front page and then choose the person you are representing.

If you access Kela’s appointment booking system on behalf of another person, you will also be able to see their appointment history. 


Last modified 21/3/2025