General housing allowance | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

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General housing allowance

General housing allowance helps you with your housing costs.

Can you get housing allowance?

You can get housing allowance if you have a low income and you live

  • in a rented house or flat
  • in a right-of-occupancy home
  • in a part-ownership home.

Housing allowance can be paid to households consisting of a single person or several persons. Housing allowance is granted to the household as a unit, so the amount of housing allowance will depend on the total income and assets of the entire household.

Students can get housing allowance under the same conditions as everyone else. If you are under 18, you can receive housing allowance if, for example, you receive financial aid for students and live on your own.

If you are a pensioner and you have a low income, apply for housing allowance for pensioners.

Students will be transferred from the general housing allowance scheme to the student housing supplement scheme on 1 August 2025

Parliament has approved the legislative changes concerning assistance with housing costs for students. Following the changes, the majority of students will be transferred from the general housing allowance scheme to the student housing supplement scheme. The changes will not concern those who live with their child or their spouse’s child. They will be eligible for general housing allowance also in the future.

Read more

Who belongs to a household?

A household typically includes the persons sharing a home on a permanent basis. You can only be a member of one household at a time.

One member of the household applies for housing allowance on behalf of the entire household.

Persons who are married or in a relationship and are sharing a home always belong to the same household regardless of whether they have a joint rental agreement or separate rental agreements.

Married couples living at different addresses also belong to the same household if the reason that they live apart is, for example, work, studies, or military or non-military service in another municipality.

Note the following exception!

Married spouses are considered to be part of different households if they live apart because their relationship has ended. Read more about the way divorce or separation affects your Kela benefits.

Roommates can be part of the same household or two different households.

Part of the same household
  • roommates with a joint rental agreement
  • roommates who under the rental agreement (or an appendix to the agreement) are jointly responsible for paying rent.

Roommates belonging to the same household must authorise one member of their household to apply for housing allowance for the whole household. Use the form ‘Power of attorney to represent a communal household’ AT5e (PDF)  to authorise one household member. If housing allowance is granted to the household, it is paid to the authorised person.

Part of different households
  • roommates with separate rental agreements
  • roommates who are subletting an apartment

Further, in order to be considered to be part of different households, roommates may not be jointly responsible for paying rent for the entire dwelling (as specified under the rental agreement or an appendix to it).

Note these specific situations

A married couple, a cohabiting couple or close relatives are part of the same household if they live at the same address, regardless of the terms of their rental agreement. Close relatives means parents, children and grandparents.

Siblings sharing a home are part of different households if they have separate rental agreements or a sublease agreement.

Close relatives sharing a home are part of the same household regardless of the terms of their rental agreement. Close relatives are

  • parents
  • children
  • grandparents.
Siblings may belong to different households

Siblings sharing a home are part of different households if they have separate rental agreements or a sublease agreement

Children under the age of 18

A child under the age of 18 who is living independently is usually considered to be part of their parents’ household.

However, the child may be able to get housing allowance if the child is entitled to a benefit such as financial aid for students and the child lives on their own at a different address from their parents.

Children aged 18 or older

Adult children (18 or older) who live independently are not part of their parents’ household.

Adult children who live with their parents belong to their parents’ household.

Read about the benefits young persons can get from Kela.

You are part of the same household as the persons living in your permanent residence even if you live elsewhere temporarily on account of studies, work, military or non-military service, or other similar reasons. Living elsewhere is usually considered to be temporary if it lasts less than about a year.

A person who has moved to Finland can be considered part of a household if Kela considers the person to be permanently resident in Finland. 

Note the following exception!

Students who come to Finland cannot belong to a household or get housing allowance.

Subtenants are considered to belong to a different household than the main tenant or owner, with a few exceptions.

A subtenant who is the spouse or close relative of the main tenant or owner is part of the same household. Close relatives means parents, children and grandparents.

Notify Kela if you get housing allowance and take in a subtenant.

How much housing allowance can you get?

Housing allowance can cover up to
70% of your housing costs

If your housing allowance is less than EUR 15 per month, it is not paid out.

The easiest way to find out how much housing allowance you could get is to use our online calculator. The amount of the housing allowance is affected by

  • the number of adults and children in the household
  • income and assets
  • housing costs for which you can get housing allowance
  • the maximum limits for housing costs defined for each municipality (maximum housing costs)
  • the basic deductible.

Read more about the way housing costs, income and assets affect housing allowance.

Use our calculator to get an estimate of the housing allowance you might get

Go to the calculator

Payment of the housing allowance

Kela pays the housing allowance into your bank account or your landlord’s account on the first banking day of the month. If the banks are closed on the scheduled payment date, the housing allowance will be paid on the next banking day. 

The housing allowance is tax-free income.

If you get housing allowance retroactively, the allowance will generally appear in your bank account within two banking days of payment. Housing allowance is available retroactively for one month.

Kela can pay the housing allowance directly to your landlord’s account if you give your consent.

Kela can also pay the housing allowance directly to the landlord if you have left part of or all your rent unpaid for two months in a row. In situations like that, we will contact you before we pay your housing allowance.

How  to apply for housing allowance

You can apply for housing allowance either on a form or in the OmaKela e-service. OmaKela is currently available only in Finnish and Swedish. Kela’s forms are also available in English.

Apply in OmaKela

  1. Apply for housing allowance in OmaKela (available in Finnish and Swedish).
  2. Report the income and assets of everyone who belongs to your household, because income and assets affect the amount of the housing allowance. Income should be given as gross income.
  3. Take photographs of the supporting documents and send them in OmaKela. Check the application to see which documents you should enclose with the application.
  4. Visit OmaKela to see if your application has been decided, how much you will get and when your benefit will be paid. You will also see reminders of any supporting documents that are missing from your application. You will get a copy of the decision by post unless you have opted out of paper mail.

Log in to the OmaKela e-service to apply for housing allowance

Log in (OmaKela is available in Finnish and Swedish)

Apply on a form

  1. Fill in and print out the form ‘General housing allowance’ AT 1e (PDF).
  2. Report the income and assets of everyone who belongs to your household, because income and assets affect the amount of the housing allowance. Income should be given as gross income.
  3. Enclose additional documents in support of the application as necessary. The application form includes information on the supporting documents you need.
  4. Send the application and any supporting documents by post. The address is Kela, PL 10, 00056 KELA.
  5. Visit OmaKela e-service (available in Finnish and Swedish) to see if your application has been decided, how much you will get and when your benefit will be paid. You will get a copy of the decision by post unless you have opted out of paper mail.

Kela issues decisions in Finnish and Swedish only. If you need help with something, you can call one of our English-language customer service numbers.

Housing allowance is always granted as of the first day of the month. For example, if your rental agreement enters into force on 15 March, you will start receiving housing allowance as of 1 April.

You can get housing allowance retroactively for up to one month from the month of application. For example, if you wish to get housing allowance from the beginning of January, your application must reach Kela before the end of February.

Enclose the following with your application:

Depending on your household's situation, also enclose

Kela obtains wage and salary information from the national Incomes Register and uses this information when processing your application. We may ask you for additional information, if necessary.

Landlords that provide rental agreement information directly to Kela

Kela gets information about rental agreements directly from certain landlords. If your landlord is on the list below, you do not need to send us your rental agreement or details of the amount of your rent.

If your landlord is not on the list, send your rental agreement together with your application. You must always send us your rental agreement if you have rented your flat from a private landlord.

  • Aalto yliopiston ylioppilaskunta AYY
  • A-kruunu Oy
  • Annalan Vuokra-asunnot Oy
  • AREF FIN 1 Oy (Retta Oy)
  • Aries Housing Ky (Retta Oy)
  • As Oy Espoon Sellonhuippu
  • ASPA Palvelut Oy
  • ASPA Säätiö SR
  • ASPER HoldCo FI Oy (Retta Oy)
  • Auroranlinna
  • Auroratalo Oy
  • Axa investment managers Deutschland
  • AXA Real Invest HPK
  • Bo Fastigheter Ab
  • CoRE FIN 2017 6 Oy (Retta Oy)
  • Domus Arctica DAS
  • Erikoissijoitusrahasto Titanium Asunto (Retta Oy)
  • Erikoissij. rahasto Evli Vuokratuotto
  • Espoon asunnot Oy
  • Espoon Diakoniasäätiö Edistia
  • Etelä-Suomen Kodit Oy, 2966719-1
  • FAB Kronoby Bostäder
  • FAb Pedersöre Bostäder Kiinteistö Oy
  • Fastighets Ab Jägarbacken
  • Fastighets Ab Victoria 4 (Retta Oy)
  • Fidus topaasi Oy
  • Fidus villa asunnot Oy
  • Fidus vuokratalot Oy
  • Fidus vuokratalot II Oy
  • Halsuan kunta
  • Helsingin Diakonissalaitoksen säätiö sr
  • Helsingin kaupungin Asuntoyksikkö
  • Helsingin kaupungin vuokra-asunnot HEKA
  • Helsingin seudun opiskelija-asuntosäätiö HOAS
  • HOAS Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Juus-Fastighets Ab
  • Hoivatie Oy
  • Holding 1 Espoo Oy (Retta Oy)
  • Holding 2 Lahti Oy (Retta Oy)
  • Holding 3 Vantaa Oy (Retta Oy)
  • Holding 4 Kerava Oy (Retta Oy)
  • Holding 5 Tuusula Oy (Retta Oy)
  • Hopeakodit Oy KAS
  • Hyvinkään vuokra-asunnot
  • Hämeenlinnan Asunnot Oy
  • IC Kodit V (Icecapital)
  • IC Kodit VI (Icecapital)
  • IL-Kiinteistöt Oy
  • Invalidiliitto ry
  • Janakkalan Asunnot Oy
  • Juli Olarin Noste Oy
  • Juli Olarin Ylväs Oy
  • Jyväskylän Eläkeläisten Tuki r.y. (Retta Oy)
  • Jyväskylän Katulähetys ry
  • Jyväskylän vuokra-asunnot Oy
  • Järvenpään kaupunki/Vuokra-asunnot
  • Järvenpään Mestariasunnot Oy
  • Kaakkois-Suomen Asunnot Oy
  • Kangasalan kaupunki
  • KAS asunnot Oy
  • KAS Kodit Oy
  • Keski-Suomen opiskelija-asuntosäätiö KOAS
  • Keuruun vuokra-asunnot liikelaitos
  • Kiimingin Nuorisoasuntoyhdistys ry
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Antinaravat
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö ESPOON ULLANMÄENTIE 13 (Nuorisosäätiö/ Nuorisoasuntojen isännöinti oy)
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Graniittikodit
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Hiirosen Jänönkulma
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Jermu
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Juus-Fastighets Ab
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Jyrkkälänpolku (Turku)
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Järvenpään Pajalan Mylly
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Kaarinan vuokratalot Oy
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Kiiltohaka
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Kulhankari
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Kummatti
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö LAHDEN KAUNOKKI (Nuorisosäätiö/ Nuorisoasuntojen isännöinti oy)
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö LAHDEN KUUSAMA (Nuorisosäätiö/ Nuorisoasuntojen isännöinti oy)
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö LAHDEN UNIKKO (Nuorisosäätiö/ Nuorisoasuntojen isännöinti oy)
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö LAHDEN VANAMO (Nuorisosäätiö/ Nuorisoasuntojen isännöinti oy)
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Mäenalus 15
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö M2-kodit
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Nikkarinkruunu (Kerava)
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Nokian Säästökeskus
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Oulun Metsätähti
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Petäjäveden Ankkuri (Retta Oy)
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Pirkkalan Metsätähti/M2-kodit
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Pukkilan Vuokratalot KAS
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Rekipolska (Kaustinen)
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö RK-Asunnot
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Rovaniemen Harrikatu KAS
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Rovatalo / KAS
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Saratalot
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Taavinkuja 6
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Taipalsaaren asunnot
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Taloherttua
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Tankkari
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Toppilan Vöörmanni
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Tuusulan Kauppaholvi
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Uudenkaupungin Lukkosepänkatu 1/M2-kodit
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Uudenkaupungin vuokratalot
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Vetelinraitti
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Villa-Metsolan Hovi
  • Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö VUOSAAREN NUORISOKYLÄ (Nuorisosäätiö/ Nuorisoasuntojen isännöinti oy)
  • Kirkkonummen vuokra-asunnot Oy
  • Kokkolan kaupungin asunnot
  • Kokkolan vuokra-asunnot Oy
  • Koskelantalot Oy (Mänttä-Vilppula)
  • Kotkan Asunnot Oy
  • Kouvolan Asunnot Oy
  • KOy Hyvinkään nuorisoasunnot
  • Kuopion Metsäkumpu Oy (Retta Oy)
  • Kuopion opiskelija-asuntosäätiö KUOPAS Oy
  • Lahden vanhusten asuntosäätiö
  • Lakea Oy (Seinäjoki-Vaasa)
  • Lappeenrannan Asuntopalvelu Oy
  • Lappeenrannan seudun opiskelija-asuntosäätiö LOAS
  • Laukaan vuokrakodit
  • Lempäälän Vuokrakodit
  • Lepovilla Oy
  • Leppävirran Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö
  • Lestijärven kunta
  • Lohjan Vuokra-asunnot LOVA Oy
  • Loisteasunnot 5 Oy
  • Lumo
  • Majakkalahden Kiinteistöt Ky (Retta Oy)
  • Malmin Setlementtiasunnot Oy
  • Mikalo Oy (Mikkeli)
  • Multian Vuokra-asunnot Oy (Retta Oy)
  • Mäntsälän Kodit Oy
  • NAL Asunnot
  • Niiralan kulma (Kuopio)
  • Nokian Vuokrakodit Oy
  • Nuorisoasuntoliitto ry
  • Nuorisosäätiö
  • Nuorten ystävät
  • Nurmijärven kodit Oy
  • Orimattilan Asunnot Oy
  • Oriveden kaupunki
  • Oriveden Kotikoivu Oy
  • Osuusasunnot/Naantali (Retta Oy)
  • Oulun Sivakka Oy
  • Ovaro Kiinteistösijoitus Oyj
  • Oy Granilla Ab (Retta Oy)
  • PATRIZIA Symphony II Ky (Retta Oy)
  • Patrizia T7 LP Ky
  • Petäjäveden Tähtiasunnot Oy (Retta Oy)
  • Pirkan opiskelija-asunnot Oy (POAS)
  • Porin YH-asunnot Oy
  • Raision Vuokra-asunnot Oy (Retta Oy)
  • Ranuan vuokra-asunnot Oy
  • Rinnekodit Oy
  • RPF I (Icecapital)
  • RPF II (Icecapital)
  • Sallan Vuokratalot Oy
  • Sastamalan vuokratalot Oy
  • SATO Oyj
  • Savonlinnan seudun Nuorisoasunnot ry
  • Savonlinnan vuokratalot Oy
  • Selectiv Primus Oy (Retta Oy)
  • Setlementtiasunnot Oy
  • Sevas Kodit Oy
  • Soihtu Jyväskylän yliopiston ylioppilaskunta JYY
  • Suomen Vuokrakodit 3 Oy
  • S-yhtymä (Sivakka-yhtymä)
  • Tammi-Kodit Ky (Retta Oy)
  • Tampereen Kotilinnasäätiö sr
  • Tampereen opiskelija-asuntosäätiö TOAS
  • Tampereen Vuokra-asunnot Oy
  • Tampereen Vuokratalosäätiö sr
  • Tervatalot Oy (Oulu)
  • Tukena-säätiö SR
  • Turun osakehuoneistot Oy
  • Turun ylioppilaskyläsäätiö TYS
  • TVT Asunnot Oy
  • Uudenkaupungin kaupunki
  • Vaasan opiskelija-asuntosäätiö sr VOAS
  • Validia Oy
  • Valion eläkekassa (Vantaa)
  • Vaparatalot Oy / Espoon Herttuanport.
  • Vatrotalot Oy
  • VAV Asunnot Oy
  • Vilusen Rinne Vuokra-asunnot Oy
  • Vihnusrinnesäätiö
  • Holding 3 Vantaa Oy
  • Vivada star 1 bidco Oy
  • Vivada star 2 bidco Oy
  • Vivada star 3 bidco Oy
  • Vivada star 4 bidco Oy
  • Vivada star 5 bidco Oy
  • Vivada star 6 bidco Oy
  • Vivada star 7 bidco Oy
  • VVO Asunnot Oy/Kojamo
  • Wartalo Kodit (Varkaus)
  • YH-Antura Oy
  • YH-Asumisoikeus Länsi Oy
  • YH-Kodit Oy
  • YH-Priimus Oy
  • YH-Tammi Oy
  • Y-Säätiö
  • Ålandsbanken Asuntorahasto Erikoissijoitusrahasto (Retta Oy)

Report changes that affect the housing allowance

If you get housing allowance, you must notify us if there are changes in your circumstances or the circumstances of your household, such as changes in income, housing costs or something else.

Changes can only be reported by the person who applied for housing allowance for the household.

If you notify Kela of changes in your circumstances, your benefit will be paid at the correct rate and you also will not lose out on any benefit due to you.

You can report changes

If you do not report changes to Kela, you may be paid more benefit than you have the right to. In that case, the overpaid benefit will be recovered from you later. Read more about the recovery of overpayments.

If your circumstances change, be sure to check how such changes could affect other benefits that you receive from Kela.

Report the following changes

Let us know if your gross income or the gross income of your household

  • increases by at least EUR 400 per month
  • decreases by at least EUR 200 per month.
Example of changes in the income of a household

Aino, who receives housing allowance, starts in a new job on 1 February. Her new job causes a change in household income. Kela reviews the housing allowance as of 1 March, and the amount of housing allowance may change as a result of the review.

If Aino’s work begins on 4 February, Kela reviews the housing allowance as of 1 April.

Read about the way we calculate an average income for you if your income does not stay the same for 3 months.

Read about the way changes in your income may affect your Kela benefits.

Let us know if you or your household move to a new home.

Example of a move

A household that receives housing allowance moves into a new home on 4 June. The new rental agreement has entered into force from 1 June, and the household pays a full month's rent for June for the new home. Kela reviews the housing allowance as of 1 June, and the amount of housing allowance may change as a result of the review.

If the rental agreement goes into effect on 2 June and the household pays a full month's rent for June for the new home, Kela will review the housing allowance as of 1 July.

Read more about the way moving may affect your Kela benefits.

Let us know if

  • the rent or residence charge paid by your household decreases or increases by EUR 50 or more per month
  • a member of your household moves abroad or stays abroad for a period of time
  • the tenure of your home changes, meaning for instance that you buy a home that you used to rent.
Example of changes in the housing costs of a household

A household receives housing allowance. As of 1 January, the household’s housing costs decrease by EUR 50 per month compared with the housing costs recognised in the previous housing allowance decision. Kela will review the housing allowance from the beginning of the first full month of the change in housing costs. This means that Kela will review the household’s housing allowance as of 1 January, and the amount of housing allowance may change as a result of the review

Let us know if

  • the number of household members or the composition of the household changes.
  • your household takes on a subtenant, or if a sublease ends.
  • you get married.

Read more about the way marriage or living with a partner may affect your Kela benefits.

Example of changes in the number of people in a household

The number of people in a household that receives housing allowance changes on 25 May. Kela reviews the housing allowance as of 1 June, and the amount of housing allowance may change as a result of the review.

If the number of people in the household changes on 1 June. Kela will review the housing allowance as of 1 June.

If you live alone, let us know if you are away from your home for more than 3 months. Your right to housing allowance ends if you are away from your home for 3 months or more.

If you no longer need housing allowance, let us know that you want your housing allowance stopped. Submit a notification in OmaKela e-service (under Ilmoita muutoksista) or send a message in OmaKela (under Lähetä ja lue viestejä). OmaKela is only available in Finnish and Swedish. If you cannot use OmaKela, fill in the form ‘General housing allowance - Termination of housing allowance’ AT 6e (PDF).

Kela reviews your housing allowance once a year

Kela will review your housing allowance at least every 12 months even if your household’s circumstances do not change. You can see the date for your next annual review in OmaKela e-service. OmaKela is available in Finnish and Swedish.

We will send you instructions about the annual review of your housing allowance about two months before the review is scheduled to take place. You will receive the message in OmaKela. We will also send the instructions to your home address, unless you have opted out of paper mail.

Send us the information needed for the annual review on the application for general housing allowance. You can fill in the application in OmaKela e-service (available in Finnish and Swedish). If you cannot use OmaKela, send us the information on the form Application - General housing allowance AT 1e (PDF).

If you do not submit the application in time for the review, we will have to stop the payment of your housing allowance.

Do you still have questions?

Call Kela’s customer service.

020 634 2550
020 634 2550

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Last modified 25/3/2025