Communication course for persons with cerebrovascular disorders | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

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Rehabilitation with a focus on communication for persons who have had a cerebrovascular accident 

Rehabilitation with a focus on communication is suitable for you if you have had a cerebrovascular accident leaving you with moderate or severe aphasia, and

  • you became ill at least 3 months but less than 3 years ago, counting from when the rehabilitation course starts
  • you were discharged to home care or to an assisted living facility at least a month ago, counting from when the rehabilitation course starts
  • you have, after falling ill, been assessed by a speech therapist and you are in need of special communication, speech and language training
  • you are able to function independently enough to, for example, move around the service provider’s premises without constant assistance 
  • you are able to participate, for about 5 hours per day, in the rehabilitation programme that is part of the course.

The course is not suitable for you, if your functional capacity is impaired to an extent that significantly inhibits the rehabilitation process, if you feel tired, if you have a severe illness that prevents you from participating in the course, or if you need interpretation into a foreign language in order to be able to communicate during the course.

Use the course search to look up when courses are arranged

Use the search term “kommunikaatiokuntoutus”.

Rehabilitation course search (in Finnish and Swedish only)

Purpose of the course

The purpose of the course is to provide support and guidance and to help you cope in everyday life. The course aims to increase your resources and skills so that you are able to participate in a variety of activities in your own living environment.

Content of the course and implementation

The rehabilitation is implemented as group rehabilitation taking each client’s individual goal and need for rehabilitation into consideration.

The course includes group discussions and working in small groups, a variety of activities as well as individual interviews, meetings and discussions with rehabilitation experts. The rehabilitation provided to the client and the person close to them consists of intensive guidance on a daily basis by a speech therapist.

The rehabilitation is arranged on the service provider’s premises. The course lasts 15 days and it is divided into three 5-day periods. An adult person who is there with you and helps you with your daily activities on a daily basis will accompany you throughout the rehabilitation. It is essential that a family member or close relative participates in this course.

You can stay overnight at the place of the rehabilitation or travel there from home each day.
The service provider contacts you before and after the rehabilitation and between the rehabilitation periods. 

Course personnel

The course is implemented by the following experts:

  • specialist in neurology
  • two speech therapists
  • registered nurse or public health nurse
  • physiotherapist.

Depending on your individual needs, other rehabilitation professionals and assisting personnel may also take part.

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Last modified 20/2/2025