How to apply for rehabilitation and adaptation training courses | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

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How to apply to a rehabilitation or adaptation training course

  1. First see a doctor. The doctor will evaluate your need for rehabilitation together with you. If needed, the doctor will recommend rehabilitation for you and write a doctor’s statement B you can use to apply for rehabilitation.
  2. Fill in the form titled Harkinnanvarainen kuntoutus (KU 132, PDF in Finnish).
  3. Enclose with the application a doctor’s statement B which indicates the illness or impairment addressed by the rehabilitation, describes your functional status, and states the type of rehabilitation recommended, the grounds for the rehabilitation and the goals the rehabilitation is intended to achieve.
  4. Send the application using the OmaKela e-service. A guardian can apply for rehabilitation on behalf of their child in the OmaKela e-service.
    • Save the completed form to your device. Note that the form must be in PDF format.
    • Log in to OmaKela (available in Finnish and Swedish). If you are applying for rehabilitation for your child, go to Asioi toisen henkilön puolesta (Act on behalf of another person).
    • Select Tee hakemus (File an application). Select Sairastaminen ja kuntoutus (Sickness and rehabilitation) and then Kuntoutus – tee hakemus (Rehabilitation – File an application). Under Valitse etuus (Select benefit), select Harkinnanvarainen kuntoutus.
    • Select the application form on your device and press Lähetä (Send).
    • When you send your application online, you do not need to sign it.
    • If you have supporting documents, sent them via OmaKela after you have submitted your application. If they are paper documents, you can photograph or scan them.

Another option is to send the application by mail:

  • Sign the application and send it with the supporting documents to Kela, PL 10, 00056 KELA.

A written decision on your application will be sent to you by post. You can also view the decision on our e-service. The guardian cannot yet see the decisions received by the child. The decision will also be communicated to the rehabilitation provider, who will reserve a place for you in the rehabilitation and accept it as a voucher covering the cost of the rehabilitation. The decision is final and cannot be appealed.

Rehabilitation and adaptation training courses are also available as intensive medical rehabilitation.

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Last modified 13/1/2025