Courses for persons with heart disease | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

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Rehabilitation courses and adaptation training courses for persons suffering from heart disease

The cardiac rehabilitation course for adults provides life management support and advice on how to come to terms with the challenges caused by the illness as well as help with practical problems. A requirement for participating in the course is that you are motivated to take part in group-based rehabilitation.

The cardiac rehabilitation course is suitable for you, if you

  • suffer from coronary heart disease and also have, or have had, one of the following:
    • several risk factors for coronary heart disease
    • angina that limits your ability to function
    • bypass operation
    • balloon enlargement
  • you have had heart valve surgery
  • you suffer from heart failure, cardiomyopathy, cardiac sarcoidosis or some other rare or congenital heart disease.

Learn more about rehabilitation service providers

Cardiac rehabilitation courses are open to applicants from all over Finland, i.e. you can select a suitable service provider anywhere in Finland.

Service providers (in Finnish)

You can apply to a cardiac rehabilitation course when the initial treatment period has ended and your condition is stable enabling you to participate in group-based rehabilitation.

You should also be able to function independently so that you can participate in the course without constant assistance.

Over 68 year olds can apply to a cardiac rehabilitation course if they find it difficult to practise self-care or manage their illness.

Please note:

It is recommended that you have had a heart check-up during the previous 6 months and that your state of health has been found to be such that it is possible for you to participate in rehabilitation.

Purpose of the course

The purpose of the course is to provide support and guidance to help you cope in everyday life. The course aims to increase your resources and skills so that you will be able to participate in activities in your own living environment.

Content of the course and implementation

The course is implemented as group rehabilitation taking each client’s individual goal and need for rehabilitation into consideration.

The course includes group discussions and working in small groups, a variety of activities as well as interviews, meetings and discussions with rehabilitation experts.

The rehabilitation sessions are held on the service provider’s premises. Each course lasts 5 days and it is implemented in 3 periods. An adult close relative can participate in the rehabilitation together with you during 2 days. You can stay overnight at the place of the rehabilitation or travel there from home every day.

The service provider will contact you before and after the rehabilitation and between the rehabilitation periods.

Course personnel

The course is implemented by the following experts:

  • cardiologist or specialist in internal medicine well versed in heart diseases
  • registered nurse or public health nurse
  • physiotherapist
  • psychologist
  • nutritional therapist.

Depending on your individual needs, other rehabilitation professionals may also take part.

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Use the service provider search function to select a suitable service provider.

Cardiac rehabilitation courses are open to applicants from all over Finland, i.e. you can select a suitable service provider anywhere in Finland.

Last modified 19/2/2025