Courses for adults with traumatic brain injury | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

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Rehabilitation course for adults with traumatic brain injury 

Kela provides rehabilitation courses for adults with traumatic brain injury. The rehabilitation is multidisciplinary and group-based.

The course provides life management support and advice on how to come to terms with the challenges caused by the brain injury as well as help with practical problems. A requirement for participating in the course is that you are motivated to take part in group-based rehabilitation.
The rehabilitation course is suitable for you, if 

  • you have been diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury that necessitates multidisciplinary group-based rehabilitation
  • the injury occurred more than 6 months but less than 5 years ago
  • you must have a clear conception of the types of rehabilitation that are coverable by the insurance company, or you must have been issued a certificate of delay by the insurance company
  •  you are able to function independently so that you are able to move around on the service provider’s premises without constant assistance and participate in group-based rehabilitation.

The course is not suitable for you, if your situation is one of the following:
•    the injury occurred more than 5 years ago 
•    you have an illness or disability that prevents participation in group-based rehabilitation
•    you have an acute or untreated substance abuse problem.

Please note:  Interpretation into foreign languages is not provided at the courses for adults with traumatic brain injury.

Purpose of the course

The aim of the course is to provide support and guidance and to help you cope in everyday life. The course aims to increase your resources and skills so that you are able to participate in a variety of activities in your own living environment. The course also aims to support your close relative by providing tools and methods to strengthen a good and well-functioning everyday life together. 

Content of the course and implementation

The rehabilitation is implemented as group rehabilitation taking each client’s individual goal and need for rehabilitation into consideration. Your individual need of rehabilitation and the goals for your rehabilitation are taken into account in your rehabilitation.

The course includes group discussions and working in small groups, a variety of activities as well as individual interviews, meetings and discussions with rehabilitation experts.

The rehabilitation is arranged on the service provider’s premises. Each course lasts 10 days and it is implemented in 2periods. You can stay overnight at the place of the rehabilitation or travel there from home each day.  An adult close relative can participate in the rehabilitation together with you during 3 days at the end of the first period.

The service provider contacts you before and after the rehabilitation and between the rehabilitation periods.

Use the course search to look up when courses are arranged.
Use the search term ‘aivovamma’. The service is in Finnish and Swedish only.

Course personnel

  • neurologist
  • neuropsychologist
  • social worker, or Bachelor of Social Sciences or rehabilitation instructor 
  • registered nurse or occupational health nurse

Depending on your individual needs, other rehabilitation professionals and assisting personnel may also take part.

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Last modified 20/2/2025