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Support for coping with workplace stress and burnout, Oras course

Kela provides rehabilitation courses (Oras courses) for persons with mental health symptoms and mental burnout symptoms that may jeopardise their ability to work. The rehabilitation is multidisciplinary and group-based.

The course provides life management support and advice on how to recognise and manage work-related mental stress factors such as an excessive workload. A requirement for participating in the course is that you are motivated to take part in group-based rehabilitation.

The Oras course is suitable for you, if

  • you are over 18 and working or temporarily not working due to sick leave
  • you have been diagnosed with mental burnout symptoms that may jeopardise your ability to work
  • you have mental health symptoms such as anxiety, sleeplessness or mild depression.

The course is also available in Swedish.

Use the course search to look up when courses are arranged

Use the search term ”Oras-kurssi”. Please note the service is in Finnish and Swedish only.

Rehabilitation course search

Purpose of the course

The aim of the course is to provide support and guidance and to help you cope with your situation. You will also be provided with support and practical guidance, and with means to manage the challenges in your daily life. The aim of the course is also to teach you to recognise your strengths and resources so that you will be able to use them in a wide variety of ways in your living environment.

Content of the course and implementation

The rehabilitation is implemented as group rehabilitation taking each client’s individual goal and need for rehabilitation into consideration.

The course includes group discussions and working in small groups, a variety of activities as well as individual interviews, meetings and discussions with rehabilitation experts.

The rehabilitation is partly arranged on the service provider’s premises and partly in the form of telerehabilitation. If necessary, the service provider will lend you the device needed for you to be able to participate in telerehabilitation.

The part of the course that is arranged on the service provider’s premises lasts 10 days, and it is divided into 5-day periods. You can stay overnight at the place of the rehabilitation or travel there from home each day.

The telerehabilitation part of the course is implemented over a period of 8 weeks during the times between the group rehabilitation periods. The telerehabilitation consists of

  • online rehabilitation at a time suitable to you
  • guidance for participation in online rehabilition
  • 3 individual videoconferencing sessions

A videoconferencing session lasts 45 minutes on average.

The service provider contacts you before and after the rehabilitation and between the rehabilitation periods.

Course personnel

The course is implemented by the following experts:

  • psychiatrist or specialist in general practice or occupational healthcare
  • psychotherapist or registered nurse
  • psychologist
  • physiotherapist or occupational therapist

Depending on your individual needs, other rehabilitation professionals may also take part.

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Last modified 20/2/2025