Document publicity description | About Kela | KelaSkip to content

Possible maintenance breaks on 28/3/2025 at 20:30–03:00 affecting the ability to download PDF documents in the OmaKela e-service Read more

OmaKela payment form unavailable: The student healthcare fee cannot be paid from 31.3.2025 to 2.4.2025 Read more

Document publicity description

Kela’s duty to maintain a document publicity description is based on the Act on Information Management in Public Administration (906/2019).

Everyone has the right to receive information about an official document that is public. However, the documents may also contain confidential information. There is always some basis for secrecy from the Publicity Act or other law. The interested party also has the right to receive information about matters concerning him.

Requests for access to information can, for example, be made to Kela

In benefit matters​​​

In administrative or other matters

If you wish to email a request and the requested document contains personal or confidential data, please use encrypted email. Read the instructions for sending email over a secure connection (PDF).

Whom can I contact?

Each request for access to information will be handled and processed separately by the units responsible, or in cooperation between different units.

Kela has an obligation to respond to your request without delay, within two weeks at the latest. Should responding to your request require a greater workload than usual, the response time will be one month, at the maximum. The same due dates apply to official and confidential documents.

The data released from the document will be forwarded to you by the Kela unit that is responsible for the data content or for handling the matter in question. If, when making your request, you are uncertain as to what unit you should contact, our personnel will advise you. If it is not possible to make the information that you have requested available to you, you are entitled to a written decision stating this. Once you have got a decision, you can make an appeal.

A case register is a register of matters instituted, their processing stages and documents pertaining to them. Kela keeps registers of, for example, administrative matters and benefit matters.

Kela’s information systems are decentralised. Kela’s systems have several dependencies on other systems and support systems. Typical information systems utilised by Kela are for example

  • customer service
  • administrative matters
  • human resources
  • Kanta services
  • real estate matters
  • legal affairs
  • the social security
  • financial information
  • technical data
  • data management
  • statistics and reporting
  • archive of paper patient records of private service providers that have ceased operations
  • security matters
  • research
  • communication.

Data is retrieved from the case register and from the information systems using, for example, the following search criteria:

  • diary number
  • name
  • personal identity code
  • customer ID
  • personnel number.

Availability of documents

Via a technical interface, Kela offers freely exploitable data such as statistical reports.

For more information on available research and statistical data, go to Tutkimus ja tilastot | Kelan Tietotarjotin (in finnish).

Where to get more information


Last modified 14/2/2024