Legislation and administrative guidelines | About Kela | KelaSkip to content

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Kela’s governing law

Kela’s operations are guided by a specific Act of Parliament. More detailed provisions on the organisational structure and individual responsibilities are set out in Kela’s rules of procedure.

Kela's governing law (finlex.fi, in Finnish)

Kela’s rules of procedure

Administrative guidelines on benefits

Kela’s administrative guidelines offer guidance on how to interpret specific laws on social security. They are used at Kela mainly for deciding benefit claims and counselling individual customers. The administrative guidelines are intended primarily for Kela and its partners.

Find out more about the administrative guidelines on benefits (in Finnish)

Social rights

Kela has a role in putting social rights into practice in Finland. Social rights include the rights guaranteed by the Constitution and by the social welfare legislation, as well as the available avenues of redress. They also include the international social human rights and oversight mechanisms.

Read more about social rights

Current topics

Kela’s role in the social security reform

We are active participants in the social security reform and produce statistics and research to help build a better social security system.

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