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Rules of procedure of the Social Insurance Institution (effective 1 January 2025)

In accordance with section 7, subsection 1, paragraph 3 of the Act on the Social Insurance Institution (17.8.2001/731), the following rules of procedure for the Social Insurance Institution (hereinafter referred to as 'the Institution') are established.

Section 1.
Administrative structure and organs of the Institution

The administrative structure and organs of the Institution are laid down in the Act on the Social Insurance Institution.

The Institution has five business units and two operational units.

The business units are composed of individual units. Operational units are equated with units. Units may consist of centers and sections. Sections may consist of teams.

As part of the joint decision making process, the business units are assigned individual outcome goals and rules of procedure are established for them. A set of operational goals and rules of procedure are confirmed for the operational units.

Section 2.

The operations of the Institution are managed and developed by the Board as specified in the Act on the Social Insurance Institution. The responsibilities of the Director General are laid down in the Act on the Social Insurance Institution and sections 3 and 5 of these Rules of Procedure. The division of responsibilities between the Director General and the Directors is decided by the Board.

Section 3.
Joint decision making and common goals

An operating and financial plan for the Institution is drawn up annually by the Director General and submitted to the Board for decision.

The Board agrees the implementation of the operating and financial plan with the Director General and concludes a performance agreement with the Director General. Under the leadership of the Director General, the implementation of common goals is agreed with the Directors and the business units.

Achievement of the common goals is reported by the Director General to the Board, by the Directors to the Director General, and by the directors of the business units to the Director General and the Directors.

Section 4.
Presentation of matters to the Board

Matters are presented to the Board by the Director General. However, the Director General may delegate the task of presenting matters to the Board.

The Board decides on the right to attend and to speak at Board meetings.

Section 5.
Responsibilities of the Director General

In addition to the provisions of section 9, paragraph 3 of the Act on the Social Insurance Institution and the provisions of section 3 of these Rules of Procedure concerning the responsibilities of the Director General, the Director General is responsible for the strategic management and development of the Institution and for the units entrusted by the Board to his or her responsibility and for the matters within the purview of such units. The Director General decides on the rules of procedure of the units which are under his or her responsibility and, upon the proposal of the Directors, the rules of procedure of the other business units. In the event of uncertainty about which business unit or operational unit is responsible for a certain matter, the issue is resolved by the Director General.

The Director General has general authority to decide on the Institutions processes.

Section 6.
Responsibilities of the Directors

The Directors are responsible for the planning and management of the business units which have been placed under their responsibility by the Board and for the planning and management of the matters for which the units are responsible. The Directors report to the Director General.

The Directors deputise for the Director General in accordance with the Board’s decision. 

Section 7.
Management Teams

A Management Team operates under the direction of the Director General.

The Management Team consists of the Director General, the Directors, the directors of business units, and other members appointed by the Director General.

In line with the Board’s directives, the Management Team supports the Director General in drawing up the Institutions vision, strategy and shared view of strategic objectives. The Management Team ensures the implementation of the strategic objectives and the Institutions overall success in carrying out its functions. In addition, the Management Team handles key matters presented to the Board, matters of policy relating to the Institution, and other matters which require a broader assessment beyond the boundaries of a single area of operations. Finally, the Management Team provides support to the Director General and the Directors.

The business and operational units each have their own management teams.

Section 8.
Cooperation in the preparation of matters

The operational approach adopted by the Institution requires seamless cooperation across unit boundaries. Business units, operational units and staff members shall maintain contact by means of mutual consultation, provision of information and other suitable methods.

The director of the business unit or operational unit responsible for the preparation shall ensure that the rules and provisions issued on cooperation are adhered to when preparing matters.

Section 9.
Customer service network

The Board decides the criteria for maintaining customer service points. After the cooperation negotiations foreseen by the joint consultation agreement have been concluded, the Director General, in line with criteria approved by the Board, takes a decision on the general organisation and development of customer service. In order to enable an assessment of policy, the Director General reports to the Board annually on the organisation of customer service. 

The Director of Local Customer Service decides on shared government services and other customer service operations. 

Section 10
Business units and operational units

The Institution has the following business units:

  1. Unit for Local Customer Service
  2. Unit for Nationwide Customer Service
  3. IT Services
  4. Information Services
  5. Unit for Shared Services

The Institution also has the following two operational units: the Strategic Management Unit and the Communications Unit. They report to the Director General. An operational and financial plan is confirmed by the Director General.

Section 11.
Internal Audit

There is an Internal Audit unit, which reports to the Director General. The regulations of the Internal Audit are confirmed by the Board.

Section 12.
Responsibilities of the Unit for Local Customer Service

The Unit for Local Customer Service is responsible for arranging and implementing personal customer service, for the associated customer service network, and for the management of customer relationships and benefit administration, as agreed separately. Together with the Unit for Nationwide Customer Service, it is responsible for the development of customer service, customer relations and the customer service channels.

Section 13.
Responsibilities of the Unit for Nationwide Customer Service

The Unit for Nationwide Customer Service is responsible for customer relations, benefit administration and online services managed on a nationwide basis as well as for proposing ideas for development of the benefit legislation. Together with the Unit for Local Customer Service, it is responsible for the development of customer service, customer relations and the customer service channels.

Section 14.
Responsibilities of the IT Services business unit

The IT Services business unit is responsible for producing, developing and maintaining, in cooperation with the Institutions other units, the IT services necessary for the Institutions operations. Under such agreements as may be agreed by the Institution, it also provides IT services on a legislative or contractual basis to other entities. By ensuring the continuity, safety and operational security of the Instititutions IT services, it allows the Institution perform its role within society.

Section 15.
Responsibilities of the Information Services business unit

The Information Services business unit is responsible for the guidance and development of information management and of the information architecture. It is in charge of the common data resources and registers and the refinement of data, for the exchange of information both domestically and internationally, and for the development of information service customer relationships and service delivery channels. It produces services in the areas of knowledge management, research, statistics, datasets and analytics to meet the needs of the Institution and of the broader society. The unit is responsible for the Kanta Services and for the information services provided in the areas of social welfare and healthcare.

Section 16.
Responsibilities of the Shared Services business unit

The Shared Services business unit is responsible for producing and developing services facilitating the operations, wellbeing and advancement of individual units and staff of the Institution, as well as for managing the Institutions security and preparedness agenda. It produces key services related to the Institutions benefit administration operations, including payments and overpayment recoveries.

Section 17.
Responsibilities of the Strategic Management Unit  

The Strategic Management Unit is responsible for the management of organisational development, strategic management, and personnel and financial management.

Further, it is responsible for the operations of the Institution’s administrative organs and for employee relations, investments, and the strategic services around knowledge-based management and corporate responsibility. It also produces statutory administrative and stakeholder services to support the management.   

Section 18.
Responsibilities of the Communications Unit

The Communications Unit is responsible for strategic communications, communication policy and the provision of communication support to senior management and organisational units. It carries out centralised communication outreach to Institution staff, customers, partners and stakeholders and is in charge of developing the Institutions communication channels and media. Communications are planned and implemented together with the other organisational units.

Section 19.
Organisational structure and responsibilities of the business units and operational units

Detailed provisions concerning the organisational structure and responsibilities of the business and operational units are included in the rules of procedure specific to each unit.

Section 20.
Responsibilities and qualifications of directors of a business unit

Each director of a business unit is responsible for the management of their business unit and for the planning and development of matters within its responsibility. The head of Internal Audit reports to the Director General. The business unit directors report to the Director responsible for the sector of operations in question.

The rules of procedure specific to each business unit may contain further provisions governing reporting.

Business unit directors must have a suitable Master’s degree and familiarity with the questions and management issues relevant to the topic area of the business unit.

The provisions concerning the business unit directors also apply to the head of Internal Audit.

Section 21.
Responsibilities and qualifications of the heads of operational units

Each director and head of an operational unit is responsible for the management of their unit and for the planning and development of matters within its responsibility. Heads of unit report to the director of the respective business unit. Directors of operational units report to the Director General. The rules of procedure specific to each operational unit may contain further provisions governing reporting.

Directors and heads of operational units must have a suitable Master’s degree and familiarity with the questions and management issues relevant to the topic area of their unit.

The provisions concerning the heads of unit also apply to the director of the customer service unit.

Section 22.
Qualifications of other personnel

The qualifications of other personnel than those referred to in sections 20–21 are set out separately.

Section 23.
The division of responsibilities in certain situations

Matters that come under the purview of two or more business or operational units are handled by the Institutions Management Team.

The business and operational units may come to a mutual arrangement concerning the division of responsibilities for a specific matter or matters which differs from the provisions of these Rules of Procedure should such an arrangement be expedient in regard to the handling of the matter.

If a matter handled by one business or operational unit touch upon the operations of another unit, the other unit must be consulted when preparing the matter.

Section 24.
Presentation of matters

Administrative decisions of the Institution shall as a general rule be taken on presentation in accordance with the more detailed instructions of the Board concerning competence in administrative matters. Matters of more narrow relevance or those based on established practice may be decided without presentation. Matters shall be presented by officials designated by the Director General, a Director, or a director of a business or operational unit.

Section 25.
Entry into force

These Rules of Procedure will enter into force on the 1st of January 2025. They supersede the rules of procedure established on the 20th of May 2022.

Prior to the entry into force of these Rules of Procedure, measures may be initiated which are required for the implementation of the Rules of Procedure.

Last modified 20/1/2025