For what types of expenses can you get social assistance?
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Social assistance (toimeentulotuki in Finnish) can be paid to individuals and families whose income and assets do not cover their essential daily expenses.
You cannot get social assistance for all kinds of expenses. It is intended to cover essential expenses such as housing and food. The acceptable expenses under the social assistance scheme are divided into the basic amount and other basic expenses, such as housing costs, public healthcare user fees and prescription medicines.
The social assistance paid by Kela is called basic social assistance. In addition, the social services of the wellbeing services counties can provide supplementary or preventive social assistance after considering your situation.
What is the basic amount?
Everyday expenses include things such as food and clothing. In the calculation of your social assistance, expenses like these are taken into account as a fixed sum that cannot be changed. That sum is called the basic amount. When you apply for social assistance, you do not have to show receipts or bills for expenses that are included automatically in the basic amount.
The following expenses are included in the basic amount:
- food
- clothing
- minor medical expenses (for example over-the-counter medication)
- expenses for personal hygiene and keeping your home clean
- public transport
- newspaper subscription
- telephone and internet
- hobbies and recreation
- other comparable expenses in the daily life of you and your family.
A basic amount is calculated for each family member separately. In 2025, the basic amount of social assistance for persons living alone is EUR 593.55 per month. More information about the basic amount.
The basic amount is taken into account as an expense
The basic amount is not a sum of money that is paid to you. The basic amount is taken into account as an expense when Kela calculates your social assistance. Read more about how the social assistance is calculated.
Housing and moving
Kela can grant social assistance towards housing costs for a home located in Finland. There are limits for the amount of housing costs that Kela can take into account. These limits have been defined separately for each municipality. The limits for housing costs in each municipality are laid down by Government Decree (, in Finnish).