Bills and social assistance | Our Services | KelaSkip to content

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For what types of bills can you get social assistance?

Which bills do you need to submit to Kela?

You do not need to submit bills for expenses included in the basic amount of the social assistance. Find out what expenses are included in the basic amount.

If you apply for social assistance for other acceptable expenses, you must send the bills, receipts and other proof of payment for these expenses to Kela with your application. Send in with your application all the bills that have a due date during the period for which you apply for social assistance. The due date means the due date of the original bill, not the due date of the reminder. Social assistance does not cover collection fees or late charges.

When calculating social assistance, bills are taken into account for the month in which their original due date was.  

 Social assistance is usually paid into your bank account

We will usually pay the social assistance into your bank account. You must then use the money to pay the bill yourself.

If you wish, we can also pay the bill directly, for example to your electricity or insurance company. When we pay a bill directly on your behalf, the amount of social assistance paid into your account will be smaller. We will pay the bill only if the amount of social assistance granted to you is enough to cover the bill. Always check the decision or notice of payment you get to make sure that all the bills you have asked us to pay on your behalf have been paid. 

Send bills in OmaKela 

  1. Take a picture of the bills or scan them. You can use your phone to take the picture. Please remember to take a picture of all the pages. 
  2. Check that the pictures are clear and legible. 
  3. Log in to OmaKela. Please note that the e-service is available in Finnish and Swedish only.
  4. In OmaKela, go to Lähetä liite (Send supporting document) to send your bills. 
  5. Under “Mihin asiaan liitteesi liittyy” (What does your supporting document concern), select “Perustoimeentulotuki” (Basic social assistance). 
  6. Then under “Minkä liitteen haluat lähettää” (What kind of supporting document do you wish to send), select “Lasku” (Bill).  
  7. Finally, under “Kenelle lasku maksetaan” (To whom do we pay the bill), select either “Minulle” (To me) or “Laskuttajalle” (To the payee/biller). 

What to do if you cannot use OmaKela 

If you cannot send your bills via OmaKela, send them by post to Kela, PL 10, 00056 KELA. Include with your bills the form titled Accompanying form concerning expenses TO3e (pdf). If you do not have this form, write your personal identity code and the following text “Lasku liittyy toimeentulotukeen”.  

If you want Kela to pay the bill on your behalf directly to the person or company who has sent the bill, write “Maksetaan laskuttajalle” on it.

Please note that we do not return any bills, so you should send us a copy of your bills and keep the originals. 

Alternatively, you can hand in the bills at a Kela customer service point

Do you still have questions? 

Call Kela’s customer service.

020 634 2550
020 634 2550
Last modified 6/2/2025